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Re: Theos-World Re: Existence of the master adepts

Sep 11, 1999 02:13 AM
by LeonMaurer

In a message dated 9/7/99 1:01:53 AM, writes:

> Unfortunately we are not able to do this as well with the "Masters" in
>a trustworthy fashion, since they are not historical personages... Once
>again, I think if you weigh the contributions made by a Swedenborg, or a
>Sri Aurobindo or a Ramakrishna for instance  I think you will agree they
>far outweigh those made by the so-called Masters far and away...

Are you forgetting that most of what the Masters have given us are in the 
words of the Secret Doctrine attributed to HPB?  When you deny the Masters, 
you also deny her, and it is quite obvious, if you have seriously studied the 
SD that its synthesis of science philosophy and religion, and thus its 
scholarly contribution to both a scientific and philosophical understanding 
of the real roots of and interrelationships between spirit and matter is far 
in advance of the contributions of those you mention.  My own research for 
the past 20 years has indicated that much of modern science from relativity 
to multidimensional string theories of quantum cosmological physics has been 
presaged and even presented clearly in the SD.  And, if it wasn''t for the 
introduction of this work and it's becoming a worldwide best seller in the 
late nineteenth century, many of the historical gurus you mention could have 
been relegated to a small footnote of history.  Much of the work of Ghandi 
and Aurobindo, for example, could not have been accomplished without the help 
of the TS which HPB founded based on the credibility of her teachers.  
Hinduism in India was in serious trouble until HPB joined up with the 
Advaitan Arya Samaj, and with the help of Henry Olcott and Annie Besant 
revived Hinduism until it was strong enough to overthrow the British and free 
India in spite of the Muslim power and the defection of the Buddhists.  How 
you can say that the influence of HPB and the Masters on world history was 
"minuscule" compared to all the other gurus you mention, is beyond me.  As 
far as I can see, as individuals, they are the ones whose accomplishments and 
influences on world history, while not minuscule, are quite a bit parochial 
as compared to that of HPB and the Masters she admitted were her sole 
>History is an important factor here I think as we live and move in recorded
>time, it  provides a reference point and a way we can examine rationally
>what we have before us... Those who insist that such objectivity is
>unnecessary  also bear the burden of proof to prove the superiority of
>their claims, that such claims up to now have proved to be baseless should
>be readily apparent! - Art

Not so.  Since HPB and those that she claims as her teachers, and in many 
cases as the actual writers of her masterpiece work, the SD, are as much 
historical figures as those you mention.  

I wonder, from the tone of your letters and the apparent lack of 
understanding of theosophical principles and of the scientific philosophy and 
philosophical science that they underlie, whether you are speaking as a 
knowledgeable student of HPB's and the Master's profound teachings -- that go 
far beyond Swedenborg or any of the other historical figures you tout as 
being greater than them -- or do you speak as a dilettante interested in 
promoting his own set of gurus that fit in with your occupation as a yoga 
teacher -- or whatever.  Actually, it seems to me that you have completely 
overlooked the fact that HPB's Secret Doctrine, has presaged all of modern 
relativity and quantum sciences and has also set the groundwork for all of 
the post modern sciences that are now in their infancy and will become the 
new spiritual-mental-material scientific paradigm of the next century -- 
leading to amazing new healing, space propulsion, ecological reconstruction, 
and free energy transformational technologies in the next centuries... All, 
owed to the information disclosed in the Secret Doctrine by HPB, KH and M.  

You might learn something about this if you visit my web sites at:

Unfortunately, all your arguments to date referring to the nonexistence of 
the Masters as historical figures and the reliance on only objective 
information as being valid, even in the light of spiritual activities, smacks 
to me as being a form of "Spiritual Materialism" as described by the late 
Chogyam Trungpa of Naropa Institute.  That same attitude is why objective 
science, no matter how spiritual minded its practitioners, is totally 
incapable of correlating the scientific laws linking matter, mind and 
consciousness -- while the Secret Doctrine has given us the complete 
foundation for such correlations -- as pointed out in my notes on the theory 
of ABC. 

Best wishes,


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