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RE: RE: Theos-World the Mild leading the Mild

Sep 08, 1999 04:06 AM
by Peter Merriott

> It is curious that similar criticisms emanating from my desk should be
> questioned, even strongly condemned by devout list members; but our
> illustrious Teacher is left on her alabaster pedestal, as ever.
> Probably it
> is because, being HPB, she is capable of no wrong, with motives
> perpetually
> inscrutable to her students -- but should any puny mortal such as
> ourselves
> seek to emulate her, this is hubris in the extreme.

Come on now, Rich.  If you are going to slam the efforts of your fellow
theosophists don't feel so offended when this in turn is challenged.  No one
has condemned you or the path you wish to take.  It is your condemnation of
others for not doing as you wish them to that has been questioned.  Is it
really wise when we vent our criticism on others to justify it with "I am
only emulating HPB"?

Best wishes and do share something with us of what your Tibetan teachers are
expounding and its links with Theosophy, the SD & so on. I would be
interested to know more about that.


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