RE: Theos-World theosophy
Jun 24, 1999 05:39 AM
by W. Dallas TenBroeck
June 24th
I am in
agreement with your views concerning the study of Theosophy.
HPB does not
claim "authority." She claims to be a "messenger."
Specifically a messenger from the Great and Ancient Lodge of ADEPTS.
In both ISIS
and SD she disclaims any personal authority and gives the credit for the records
she transmits to the Real Authors, the Mahatmas.
Since she was
well aware that the Theosophical theories and hypotheses would be received with
various degrees of incredulity from the academies, she was careful to make it
clear that the information was in reality taken from the HISTORY that the Adepts
and their disciples (chelas) had recorded down the ages. All that she
requested was "equal time" and open consideration of what Theosophy had to
This suggests
that THEOSOPHY is not a new fangled system of collated ideas drawn from many
sources -- in fact if it were even that, then the marvel is of HPB's mind and
capacity in drawing such a vast diversity together and showing how the many
pieces hung together to form a seamless whole in the world of ideas and
concepts. In my experience and wide reading, there is no one who has
written such a comprehensive view of our world, universe and the part that
Mankind plays in that.
immortality of man's Spirit/Soul and the "God-spirit" being present in every
"life-atom" of our LIVING UNIVERSE are fundamental concepts. Everything in
Nature trends in its life-experience towards a higher degree of knowledge,
wisdom, perfection. Each life-cycle (incarnation) is like a separate day
at school and all are drawn together by the uniting thread of the immortal, and
eternal spiritual Self which is at their core. In fact she shows how
Theosophy traces the evolution of the "consciousness and intelligence" of the
SPIRITUAL SOUL or Monad, through many forms -- from the atom to the human
condition of independent free-will.
This sweep
and concept is one that can be traced in every one of the great religions and
philosophies of the world. It is the record of their existence and of our
participation, again and again, in those processes.
there is debate as to whether Theosophy has its roots in Buddhism, Hinduism,
Jainism, etc... It is understood that scholars who are deeply familiar
with those systems and their development can trace similarities. However
HPB claims that all those were derived from the "Sanatana Dharma," the
"Perennial Philosophy." which is a record of Life's development and
As such it
claims to be at the root and at the origin of all the great ancient
religio-philosophical systems and provides a reason for their development as
systems of practice leading to that kind of "initiation" which develops Wisdom
in thought and mind as well as simultaneously the application of compassion and
harmlessness in motive.
Theosophy is not exclusively religion, philosophy but also includes science -- s
the power to investigate and record the workings of NATURE (Life as a
whole) in every stage and department of the world and our
The sweep of
the ever-present immortal Life, through cycles of evolution lead at last to the
"all-Knowingness" of the PERFECTED MAN. The designation Mahatma (Great
Soul) is one that includes all such self-developed men of superior knowledge and
nature. The SECRET DOCTRINE therefore speaks of those as the intelligent
guides, and assistants that Nature employs to guide a fresh evolutionary effort,
a "new Day" of evolutionary progress for all beings.
If this is
grasped the minute details and studies of specialists, while respected, as
continuing proof of the inclusive nature of Theosophy, is also shown to be but
the outer covering, to be but one way to approach to the the interior mystery of
man's own mind, and its almost infinite capacities.
If this
infinite capacity of the human mind to grow and to understand the most
simple, as well as the most complex subjects is grasped, the more learned will
continually encourage the learners to investigate and prove for themselves all
avenues, however diverse, of information, tradition and lore. And that is
the always growing tip of the
self-enlightening Mind. It always widens out to
that which is permanent and universal, when given a chance to emerge from
ignorance, doubt, skepticism and lethargy.
Best wishes,
as always,
Dear Dallas: See my comments below.
At 04:33 AM 6/22/1999 -0700, W. Dallas TenBroeck
>June 22
>Dear Doss:
>Thanks for the
endorsement. I am constantly amazed at the scholarship that
itself among those who contribute to our exchanges.
>Now if some
of that valuable time could be additionally placed on the study
Theosophy in order to find out if in itself it is cohesive and
>validity, we might all profit greatly from such a study.
As a non scholar and novice, I found
that a quick review of Isis and SD, convinced me that HPB presented a
comprehensive "hypothesis" covering man(woman) and the universe. Until such
time I find a better "hypothesis", I am quite happy and content to proceed
with my life with HPB's "hypothesis" as a backdrop or foundation. It is hoped
that personal experiences may confirm or deny parts of it. As every one knows,
there are always going to be things that one may not be able to verify
personally. HPB's herself has acknowledged it in her writings. So I would stay
god speed in our studies.
>Is it possible to
demonstrate independently of what HPB says in SD and Isis
>and her
Articles that The Theosophy of those early eras generated
>Buddhism, etc... we would have a further demonstration and
vindication of
>the actual and present value of Theosophy.
When we deal with the Great
Religions, there are several problems. The first one, the language used in the
early days when they were founded. The vocabulary may have had a totally
different meaning than what we are used to -- even assuming we understand the
language. I do not know how many of the religious material is written down in
a tangible medium. I assume a vast majority may have never been written down -
but orally communicated and handed down from generation to generation. Then
you have the allegorical nature as well as other means used to conceal some of
the fundamental doctrines or ideas because it would have been fatal for them
to be communicated due to then existing political conditions. Then again as
oral transmittal took place, there might have been attempts to *improve* or
edit them which would have further corrupted unconscionably. So what we know
now may by Nth hand material whose real original meaning would have been lost.
In trying to reconcile them with what HPB has written, can be a formidable
task -- unless there comes an Adept who has first hand knowledge and can
confirm or deny that HPB has written. Even then, the Adept's word may not be
accepted because he/she does not have a PhD from a top university or even
Adept's life may be at risk. These days they may not stone or crucify but
simply get shot -- guns are easy to get and quick to kill.
So, with all
the above, I do not want to discourage anyone from trying. Let us try and see
where we go and what we find.
Behalf Of M K Ramadoss
>Sent: Monday, June 21, 1999 10:09 AM
>Subject: RE: Theos-World Response to Dallas ==
>At 07:26 AM 6/21/1999 -0700,
Dallas wrote:
>>June 21 1999
>>However, the stability of
THEOSOPHY as a philosophy ought to stand as its
>>I note that everyone of the so-called
"critics" (from the days of HPB to
>>present) is nibbling
around the edges, but no one has so far demonstrated
>>that the CORE
IDEAS and TEACHINGS are faulty as a whole.
>Dallas, you have hit
the nail on its head. Before HPB presented the Core
>Ideas and Teachings
to the world at large, except for a handful of people,
>world knew
nothing about them and very difficult to find them either even
>if one
wanted to find them. Introducing them 120 years back was a far
>formidable task than it is today with the changed world culture
and with
>the modern technological amenities. Some thing to think and
meditate about.
>I agree that all of us who are beneficiaries of
being exposed to the Core
>Ideas and Teachings should make it easier for
the novices to focus on them.
>After all, in the final analysis we are
dealing with our lives and if each
>one of us can benefit from the Core
Ideas and Teachings, they are far more
>important than anything else. I
may sound selfish; but if I cannot benefit
>from them, how do I hope
they are going to help others.
>Keep up the good
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