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RE: Theos-World Response to Dallas == DID HPB GO TO TIBET?

Jun 22, 1999 04:39 AM
by W. Dallas TenBroeck

June 22

Dear Doss:

Thanks for the endorsement.  I am constantly amazed at the scholarship that
shows itself among those who contribute to our exchanges.

Now if some of that valuable time could be additionally placed on the study
of Theosophy in order to find out if in itself it is cohesive and has
validity, we might all profit greatly from such a study.

Is it possible to demonstrate independently of what HPB says in SD and Isis
and her Articles that The Theosophy of those early eras generated Hinduism,
Buddhism, etc... we would have a further demonstration and vindication of
the actual and present value of Theosophy.



-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of M K Ramadoss
Sent: Monday, June 21, 1999 10:09 AM
Subject: RE: Theos-World Response to Dallas == DID HPB GO TO TIBET?

At 07:26 AM 6/21/1999 -0700, Dallas wrote:
>June 21 1999
>However, the stability of THEOSOPHY as a philosophy ought to stand as its
>own vindication.
>I note that everyone of the so-called "critics" (from the days of HPB to
>present) is nibbling around the edges, but no one has so far demonstrated
>that the CORE IDEAS and TEACHINGS are faulty as a whole.

Dallas, you have hit the nail on its head. Before HPB presented the Core
Ideas and Teachings to the world at large, except for a handful of people,
world knew nothing about them and very difficult to find them either even
if one wanted to find them. Introducing them 120 years back was a far more
formidable task than it is today with the changed world culture and with
the modern technological amenities. Some thing to think and meditate about.

I agree that all of us who are beneficiaries of being exposed to the Core
Ideas and Teachings should make it easier for the novices to focus on them.
After all, in the final analysis we are dealing with our lives and if each
one of us can benefit from the Core Ideas and Teachings, they are far more
important than anything else. I may sound selfish; but if I cannot benefit
from them, how do I hope they are going to help others.

Keep up the good work.


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