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RE: Theos-World What happened here. Ask and ye shall receive !

Jun 12, 1999 08:27 PM
by W. Dallas TenBroeck

June 12th

Dear Friend:

The reason that I am interested in Fort, Velikovsky etc. is because they
kept notes on odd things that happened or were witnessed and then never well
explained.  The evidence mounts that we all see things that our present
scientific hypotheses don't cover well.

When queried Scientists laugh and try to pass them along in various ways.
So who is to take them seriously as matters for closer investigation ?  We
ought to be able to find a place where such information is available for
ready reference and where it is either settled or remains an open question.
Same for Crop circles, UFOs, and other anomalies.

Problem is that by and large Science is focused on those things that it is
familiar with or which dovetail into their established theories

Do you know of any such Web-site ?



-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, June 12, 1999 9:14 AM
Subject: Re: Theos-World What happened here. Ask and ye shall receive !

In a message dated 4/29/99 5:02:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< Have you ever read any of the books of Emmanuel Velikovsky ?
  wrote between 1945 and 1952 4 books.

 What about Charles Fort ?  Ever read any of  his ?

 Best wishes,

 Dallas >>

Dear Dallas,

Please forgive the tardiness of this reply. I am in the tour business and
travel quite a lot this time of the year. Last April, you asked me the
questions above. I take this opportunity to answer.

I have only read one of the books by Emmanuel Velikovsky. It was quite some
time ago but it did make an impression on me. " Worlds in collision" was the
title, as I recall.

As for the works of Charles Fort. I have been interested in fortean
since 1968. His catalog of obscure articles from newspaper files in the
libraries he frequented, is a contribution to students of occult phenomena
that will never be repaid. Another group who did similar work in through the
1970s was Ivan Sanderson's Society for the investigation of the unexplained.
(SITU.) Are you familiar with their work?


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