Theos-World David Green's Critical History Page on Theosophy
Jun 07, 1999 07:35 AM
by David Green
David Green's Critical History Page on Theosophy
This is my new web page which gives full access to my other web pages
on Robert Crosbie, William Judge & Katherine Tingley. This web page
will list all *future updates* on my continuing study of the subject.
I've also added links to other skeptical, critical material on Helena
Blavatsky, Charles Leadbeater & Alice Bailey. If you know of other
critiques of these theosophists & their claims, email the link address
and I'll add to my index page.
Much more to come. Including never before published material.
Comments are welcomed & solicited. Also anyone in possession of other
related material who is willing to have it published on my web site,
contact me with details.
David Green
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