RE: Theos-World Re: Imagination
Apr 14, 1999 09:35 AM
by W. Dallas TenBroeck
April 14th 1999
Dear Gerry:
As I have noticed several times, once that we broaden our
definitions there is a greater coincidence noticed.
However in the KEY TO THEOSOPHY you will find that HPB narrows
and defines the actual functions of the Theosophical principles
and assigns reasons for those. Also in FIVE YEARS OF THEOSOPHY
will be found an article of hers on the SEVEN PRINCIPLES which
antecedes the publishing of the KEY. In that the 7 principles
are discussed from the point of view of the Hindu schools and
their basis is amply explained.
While Jung and others of our modern psychologists approach to the
theosophical teachings in more than one way, they have failed to
take full advantage (in my esteem ) of the information that is
age-old and amply demonstrated.
As far as I can see, the faculty of imagination (and Patanjali
also says this ) is seated in Manas and not in Buddhi. To
Imagination, Buddhi would passive. In terms of INSPIRATION or of
INTUITION it offers universal and sublime ideas for the attention
of the embodied mind--which if employed would result in IDEAL
ACTIONS AND RESULTS. That embodied mind (Kama-manas) then has
the option of using or rejecting them -- so Karma results from
that action.
Dallas TenBroeck
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Gerald
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 1999 7:59 AM
Subject: Theos-World Re: Imagination
>>How, then, can BUDDHI be "imagination," as that is a faculty of
mind principle, as a result of its union with Kama ?
"Imagination" can be very selfish, whereas the essential
qualification of BUDDHI is its UNIVERSALITY and TOTAL
UNSELFISHNESS, It represents, as I understand it, the excellence
creativity only.>>
Dallas, I did not say that Buddhi is imagination. I said that
imagination, our ability to imagine or create images, is
in buddhi. And intuition or insight is there also. Manas is
mostly the thinking process.
I often like to think of this in the Jungian sense of
thinking (manas), feeling (kama), intution (buddhi),
and sensation (lower principles acting together).
Our human ability to imagine and to form images
is neither selfish or unselfish per se.
>>There is of course the AKASA the universal and impersonal
medium which
is sensitive and eternally records all events, thoughts, feelings
of all
beings in evolution -- it is the area where the string of any
"Karma" can be traced from start to
Yes, akasa refers to the objective "material" of the inner
planes while the buddhi-manas-kama or human psyche
is its subjective counterpart.
Jerry S
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