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Theos-World Dallas Tenbroeck, An Open Letter to

Apr 10, 1999 08:06 PM
by David Green

Dear Mr Tenbroeck----

On theos---talk forum, I've read fairly constant stream of your 
postings "advertising" United Lodge of Theosophists.  In your "pitch" 
you've made number of questionable statements.  In one posting, Mr 
Tenbroeck, you wrote that the Thesophical Societies (Pasadena & Adyar) 
engage in politics but the U.L.T. doesn't.  As far as I can determine, 
this is a patently false statement.  What organization or society or 
association consisting of human beings doesn't have its own share of 
"politics"?  I've received various accounts & documents showing that 
United Lodge of Theosophists has had its share of "politics".  For 
example, in the 1930s when Mrs Crosbie, the widow of the founder & a 
group of associates left the Los Angeles U.L.T.---a court battle 
ensued.  Another example is the politics, bickering, & power struggles 
during the time of Grace Clough.  Mr Victor Endersby, a U.L.T. 
associate & one-time writer for "Theosophy" magazine, recounted some 
of the internal struggles & politics he was involved in within the Los 
Angeles U.L.T.(see citations in Dr Bruce Campbell's book on the 
history of theosophical movement).

Why do you whitewash all of this and maintain that the U.L.T. is 
different (& better???) than other Theosophical organizations?  You 
may be quite sincere in what you write; but such unrealistic & 
unfounded statements should be questioned by any thinking theosophist.

Basically I think you're being very unfair to the other theosophical 
groups when you make such statements.  Are you willing to amend or 
retract this unfounded statement of yours?

David Green

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