Theos-World RE: Is Brotherhood Unique to Theosophy?
Feb 08, 1999 11:53 AM
by W. Dallas TenBroeck
Feb 8th 1999
This is how I see the situation:
If Theosophy is the modern expression of the truths that the
world has studied (regardless of and Religious or Philosophical
names} for aeons - so as to establish them as proven and
demonstrable LAWS and FACTS, then we can say that all the
religions, philosophies and sciences of our world, are
expressions in one way or another of the antique Theosophy.
[Theos = Divine; Sophos = Wisdom - a term that has been traced
in Greek back over 500 BC to Pythagoras ]
If we think that "theosophy" (the modern expression) is the only
presentation of the finding or "revelation" concerning Laws and
facts in Nature, then we would be making a serious error, as all
named religions and scientific philosophies are correct in making
similar claims for those facts and laws they have defined. These
claims when traced to their roots and origins show the same,
identical parentage.
This parentage starts with the ante-deluvian and mythical races
known as the "Lemurians," and the "Atlanteans." Their wisdom was
passed on to the Hindu, Chinese and Tibetan (Central Asian)
Sages. From them are derived Philosophical and Scientific
records, copies of these define to orientalists the source of
the division between pre-history and History. It is possible to
review the Westward spread of those precepts through Persia and
the middle East with the Zoroastrians, the Egyptians, the
Chaldeans, Assyrians, Babylonians and the Jews. In the Americas,
the same basic stream of wisdom is to be traced in Peru, Central
and South America, the Mayas, Quiches, Aztecs, Iroquois, Hopi,
Zunis, etc... in their myths and traditions show the same
concepts of "creation," and "evolution." In North Europe the
Norse, Druids and Celts had beliefs similar to those of the
"ancient sages." In South Europe, the influence of India and
Egypt can be traced on the Jews, Greeks, Etruscans and Romans,
from the Mystery Schools.
Around the 6th Century BC four great reformers worked as
contemporaries: Gautama Buddha, Lao-Tze, Manco Capac and
Pythagoras. Christianity commenced as a reform of Judaism. The
mystical traditions of the Pythagoreans, Nazarenes, Essenes,
Gnostics, Therapeutae, etc... were all drawn together into the
Neo-Platonic movement in Alexandria (2nd Cent. BC to 5th Cent AD)
where eclectic studies in all branches of learning were pursued.
When the Roman Emperor Constantine I was converted to
Christianity, his imperial edict was circulated to every portion
of the Roman empire, and by political force it caused the
eradication, abolition and proscription of every local religion
or philosophy. From Byzantium to England and Spain, from Norway
to Egypt, Christianity was established as the state religion.
The Reformation (and the freeing of men from the constriction of
the Church, and its unprovable dogmas, which had endured for a
thousand years) began the era of enlightenment which lasts to
this day - and the pursuit of knowledge without boundaries has
freed us all. In such an environment the doctrines of
Theosophy - the age-old wisdom - find ears and mind eager to
learn of it. It is the religion of freedom and responsibility.
If we desire to check, on an impartial and impersonal basis, all
statements, then we have to apply the Scientific method of
examination and analysis, also of comparison.
If after such an examination we discover that there are uniform
statements (laws and facts) concerning evolution, morals,
interaction, cooperation, and the description of some general
goal which is attainable by all, then that would be an expression
of universality and impartiality which any religion, philosophy,
psychology, science could accept.
When any such division of search and knowledge departs from those
facts and seeks to pin on mankind, or some group, the theories
and hypotheses as to beginnings, as to Deity, as to creation (or
evolution) that they think are necessary to explain the present
situation of Nature and mankind, that we have differences. In
many cases the theories when presented are not carefully labeled
as "hypothetical."
Every one of the Theologies, Sciences, Psychologies, etc...
derived from the One Source of fact and Law in the
World/Universe. AS time passes certain learned groups of men
develop creeds and dogmas to make (or persuade) their adherents
to become dependent on their claims of erudition and expertise.
The question really is: What have they studied ? Are they also
depending on unfounded theories, or, are they freely giving the
results of what they themselves have verified ? Are they
encouraging further independent research ?
In most cases examined it is found that the process of training
to some special position: as priests, conjurors, scientists,
scholars, academics, etc... turns out to develop a
"follow-the-leader" process and condition. Academic recognition
is given chiefly to those who conform rather closely to the
formulas that are currently in vogue. Very little lee-way is
given in most academic circles to an ardent and independent
investigator who seeks for the roots of knowledge. When the
mantle of "authority," is assumed, we find some of the "learned"
making claims for themselves based on their erudition.
Theosophy, declares that no one has a patent on Knowledge. The
first thing recommended to students is to seek to verify its
propositions, logic and doctrines for themselves. This
"do-it-yourself" approach does not please those who are mentally
lazy, or desire to take a "short-cut" and profit from the work of
others. They provide the base for the reign of "authority."
Those who make claims are antagonistic to Theosophy because it
demands "openness," or the exposure of all facts to individual
search. If the average man were to start seeking individually
the "position" of the "authority" would disappear. Their true
value is that they are at the forefront of present learning - an
advantage that cannot be taken from them unless they "take a
Theosophy states that there are no "secrets" in Nature other than
those which we have not yet discovered ourselves. There are many
realms and vast panoramas of knowledge to be accessed. And, in
all cases (Theosophy reminds us) we have as guide our own
interior IMMORTAL Spiritual SELF. This is the Perceiver and the
In terms of time and experience (Theosophy states) it has been
through the whole of Evolution and actually experienced every
aspect of progress. Its conscious Intelligence (Mind) is a
product of this vast work and effort, using many hundreds of
"personalities." It is the physical brain-mind that has to learn
how to recover those memories that are deeply embedded in the
INTUITION. The Tools of the Mind, Thought, Logic, Analysis,
Synthesis, and the WILL to accomplish this is the starting point
uniformly, for all of us.
>From this point of view Christianity contains at root everything
that is universal and impersonal. The Church, and the Churches,
have perverted, cut and pasted their ideas of what a congregation
ought to accept and believe in. On examination it will be found
that this is a far departure from original Wisdomism, or
THEOSOPHY, as a universal statement of facts in Nature.
And that is what I opine.
Best wishes,
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