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Theos-World Cloning and civilizational disaster

Feb 03, 1999 12:54 PM
by Richtay

In a message dated 2/3/99 6:49:03 PM, Dorothy wrote:

<<Rich -- I was referring only to the Spiritual Soul,
Without question the clone could be inhabitated by a soul roaming the
lower Astral regions & crleate havoc in the world.>>

Dear Dorothy, I'm not *exactly* sure what you mean by "spiritual soul" but I
will assume you mean the Monad.  Even in this case, it seems to me entirely
possible that human-evolving Monads could karmically be caused to enter cloned
bodies, tying their spiritual essence to the clone.  This seems like a direct
parallel to the creation of the apes, as I and Dallas have been saying.

If these forthcoming clones will be kept in suspended animation for organ-
harvesting, then at least we can assume that the Monad will only be stuck in
such a situation for one lifetime.  If the clones are allowed to live and
breed, then the problem grows much worse, and is an exact parallel to the case
of the apes.

This may sound somber, but I truly hope we have some kind of power-
grid/scientific collapse before such experiments go too far.  When I look at
signs in our environment (polar caps melting, etc.), our growing reliance on
electrical things, our growing centralization of power conduits where one
computer virus can take down entire power grids -- I do think a large-scale
collapse is coming soon.  And it might not be a bad thing, in the *long* view.
We may have over-reached ourselves and it may be time for a cyclical fall.

I am *not* referring to the Y2K problem, which I see as a minor glitch that
will be worked out within a few years.  I'm talking about a major
civilizational meltdown: losing all electrical power for months or years (due
to terrorism with the power grid or other unforseen disaster).  If this were
to happen -- losing power and a chain-reaction that makes it spread -- it is
important to note that no gas could be pumped (meaning no cars or trucks
bringing in food and supplies), no planes could fly, no satellite
communications could be received, there would be no water sanitation, no
electrical heating systems, no electric lights, no t.v. or radio except with
private generators.

While this would cause untold suffering, I actually think it would be better
than some of the scientific research that is taking place, which creates MUCH
more long-term karma than the scaling-back of our civilization that would take
place following a grid collapse.  (I probably sound like a survivalist
radical.  I should say for the record that I own no weapons of any kind, nor
have I stock piled food or supplies.)  

What does the rest of this list think about the possibility of an electrical
grid collapse, and individual's chances of surviving it?  It seems to me
significant that those with solar-powered homes and backyard gardens might do
okay -- and interesting that so many forces are opposed to the development of
solar powered cars and homes, which gets the individual "off the grid" and


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