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Re: Re: Waiting for the Messenger

Dec 18, 1998 01:52 AM
by Leon Maurer

In a message dated 12/16/98 9:19:31 PM, Jerry S wrote:

>While working on this theme, maybe you can shed some
>light for me on why any quarter of a century in the
>Christian calander system would be meaningful at all
>to universal occult forces.  Messengers are supposed
>to come in answer to the heart's calling of a large group
>of people, not to any arbitrary calendar system.

Doubt based on misunderstanding or ignorance of the theosophical teachings
cannot make one an expert on what theosophical "Messengers" can or cannot do.

If we had really thoroughly studied the "Secret Doctrine" (intuitively) and
followed, as well, the third object of the Theosophical Movement (and gained
Self realization in the process) we would certainly understand the nature of
cycles and how they interact on all psychic and spiritual planes. . .  And
why, at the end of each ±100 year (half) cycle of the ±1000 year (half) cycle
of the grand Solar ± 10000 year (half) cycle--the spiritual and psychic fields
come into a close conjunction on the phenomenal level that allows those on the
spiritual plane to directly contact us mortals previously "awakened" in their
psychic (mental) and spiritual fields.  One would also know that no cycles
stay exactly in phase over long periods of time--(due to man's interferences,
no doubt).  If they did, the planets of the Solar system would all have
circular orbits.  HPB said, the human race is "a million years (a drop in the
bucket of time) behind in their evolution."  Is doubting the ancient truths of
theosophy, and thus, acting out of ignorance, one of the major reasons for
such a delay?  Think about that!

It's also important to question and understand why (and how) the actual
(ideal) cycles have been distorted into a correspondence with the "Christian
calendar cycles.  It's a theosophical fact that Karma responds to man's ideas,
understandings and thoughts, whether such thoughts and ideas are "ideally"
correct or not.  Could this be why man is capable of changing both his own and
the karma of the Earth, as well as of the Universe itself?

It seems, that around the time the Christian calender began, the nearby major-
minor cycle (double) conjunction was so powerful as to allow one earlier
"messenger", the Adept Joshua (a.k.a. Jesus), to appear (as an avatar)--in
person. . . And, as a consequence, make a great change in men's consciousness
and, ultimately, the world.  It's also interesting that ±2,000 years earlier
there was the Adept Mosher (a.k.a. Moses) who also brought a world-changing
"Message".  It may be that around our present time, at the end of this
millennium, when that major cycle ends at approximately the same time
(coincidentally or karmically?:-) as the second harmonic of the grand solar
cycle as well as the minor theosophical cycle--the same thing will happen
again (or, has already happened). . . But, this time, on a much higher
level--since it's the last, triple conjunction, of the three (time line) cross
points of the great Solar cycle as well as all its major and minor sub cycles.
Incidentally, we could also correlate all this with the calendar of the Mayas
(who also knew and understood the "Secret Doctrine" as it related to cycles).

(Also, we didn't forget Gautama the Buddha. . . But, since he had no effect on
the Western civilizations and the cycles that affect us, his lineage of
Avatars or "Messengers" have very little to do with the World's, and
consequently, the Human Race's karma at this time--which we, alone, have
created out of our ignorance, greed, avarice and warlike natures)  Also, our
Western civilization, today, is just a cyclic rerun (with minor variations due
to accumulations and concatenations of individual and group karma) of the
Roman Empire (and the Babylonian Empire that came before it)--which should
teach us something.

There are other esoteric details of karma and cycles (which we can't go into
here) that could tell us why HPB might be the last Adept "Messenger", in this
grand ±20,000 year Solar cycle, to appear in a "physical" body.

Could that be why HPB said that this present ±100 year cycle was the last and
most important one in the present Theosophical Movement, and that the fate of
mankind for the next thousand years would rest solely in our (true
theosophists') hands as the individual "nuclei and, subsequently--as ever
merging groups--the future *seeds*, *cells*, and *organs* of the Universal
Brotherhood of Humanity"?

With respect to this, and by understanding the theosophical principles of
analogy and correspondence (with relation to musical theory and the theory of
cycles, along with a knowledge of the flow of history)--one would also know
why such a "Messenger" is inevitable at this approximate time in the history
of the TM, the human race, and of its home, Gaia--all of whom are rapidly and
conjunctively reaching the greatest crisis in their respective lives.  Is it
such a wonder that the Mayas ended their roughly ±10,000 year (half) cycle
Solar calendar--in approximately 2012 (with a symbol of a great catastrophic
change to occur)?  Do we also wonder why HPB implied, in her "message to
American theosophists" that we could avoid such a catastrophe if we, as a
group, took the right action early enough?

For all those true theosophists in this forum (and everywhere) who understand
this--think about what we are each doing, personally, jointly, and always
"positively", to make the way easier for the presently descending "Guides" to
achieve "conscious" contact with us individually--and as "groups".  (All
theosophical organizations, lodges, and independent students are really ONE in
mind, aims, goals, and ends in view.)  Also, what reason would such "guides"
have to appear "physically" this time around?  Didn't HPB expect many of her
theosophical students to be sufficiently imbued with occult knowledge, and
spiritually awakened by now, to have found their "Master within"?   At least,
she certainly pointed the way and gave us all the necessary intellectual and
meditative tools to achieve such a goal.  Why, then, couldn't HPB be the
"only" physical "Messenger" who was destined (by Karma) to appear in this
"age" at the last minor sub cycle of the major, ±1000 year old theosophical
cycle?  And, why couldn't the collective consciousness of all the Masters
appear as ONE (or individually) within the spiritual field or consciousness of
each of us (who could and would accept them) to help with the "guidance" for
our individual and group action on this physical  plane--where, it is
taught--all Karma must be initiated and resolved?

Also, couldn't it be possible that the real "Message" in this cycle is the
"entirety" of HPB's "teachings" left behind in her Master Work, the Secret
Doctrine (along with the explanatory writings of both herself and WQJ)--which
she said was written "for those theosophists" (capable of understanding it)
"at the end of this century"?   Where else could the "lines" (and the "plan")
be "laid down"?  And could it also be that anyone who comes after her as our
"guides" would need no physical body to carry on the work--so long as we were
here, active on the physical plane, to "assemble the MATERIALS so the
MAGICIANS can eventually appear" to create the "Paradise on Earth" HPB
hopefully expected us to enjoy for the next thousand years.  Wouldn't that
"end in view" depend entirely on us?  (I speak here for all theosophists no
matter what level they have reached, who can join together with those already
at the higher levels, keep on studying and practicing, and doing whatever they
can to help the "work" and the "plan" move forward.

So, I suggest we all go back to work and seriously study and meditate on the
"Aphorisms on Karma", in conjunction with what HPB (and WQJ) said about the
"Messenger", the "Message", and the "Plan".  It would also help to meditate on
all the rest of HPB's "lines laid down" in the "original" (facsimile) version
of the "Secret Doctrine", as well as all her articles in "Lucifer".  And, then
ask questions of those who have a greater understanding of the theosophical
fundamental principles and their "scientific" as well as "mystical"

"Self determined and self devised methods" are the rule for such study. . .
And, "Those who search shall find"

Remember, the "voice of the silence" can still speak and be heard.
"'Let those that can hear, hear' (and lead), and those that can't, follow--or
get lost (possibly in the labyrinth of their own doubting minds--stultified by
ignorance and wrong views".:-( But, we should never give up on any of them,
because they can always see the light if they open their eyes and ears and
hear the right words that can lead them to the truth.  .:-)


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