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Re: Theosophy Embraces Nothing....It simply Picks out those things......?????

Nov 27, 1998 04:09 PM
by Alpha (Tony)

Jerry S.

Well, they can be *culled* because they are preferred, because they are
pretty or because they have gone over their sell-by-date.
But once they are culled or picked are they then in effect dead on the
physical plane?  There is much about the after death states in Theosophy,
and it is on those plane(s)/states, that their beauty is.  It is "the good,
the true and the beautiful" which becomes part of the reincarnating Ego and
"lives" on.  In the Introductory they are a nosegay of FACTS, and there is
no suggestion of "liking" or "preference."  "the string that ties" may well
be seen as discrimination.  As they are culled facts they are in a sense
dead (letter) facts when just *read.*   A Dead Book (full of LIFE).  When
the SD is *studied,* this of course brings in another aspect, and it is
quite different.  Meditation another aspect, and so on.

>>Jerry S asked:
>>>What is a nosegay?
>>bunch of (esp. sweet-scented) flowers
>>nose is related to the 5th sense of smell, which is of the 5th root race,
>>and as it especially relates to sweet-scented, why not the "aroma" of that
>>life which becomes part of the reincarnating Ego, or the 5th principle
>>gravitating to the sixth, Buddhi?
>Well, yeah, I know what a nosegay is. I asked the question to
>see if Daniel knew. As I understand it, one picks and chooses
>the prettiest and most odorous of flowers (the word here is
>"culls" and implies a subjective call; a "liking" or "preference")
>from a wide variety of available flowers. This all has to do
>with the intro to the SD.
>Jerry S.

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