Error in ULT Voice
Nov 08, 1998 10:21 AM
by Nicholas Weeks
In the 1987 printing, on page 1, footnote 1 is a quote from the _Srimad
Bhagavat_. Following this title the ULT editor(s) added in brackets
[Bhagavad Gita]. The _Srimad Bhagavat_ is not the Gita. It is also
called the _Bhagavat Purana_. The quotation can be found at XI, 15, 1 of
any translation of the _Bhagavatam_. Here, for example is how Raghunathan
(vol. II, p.575-76) renders it:
"The exalted Lord went on: Miraculous powers accrue to the yogi who has
subdued his senses, established control over the life-breath and steadied
his mind, concentrating it on Me."
Swami Tapasyananda (vol. 4, p.76) puts it:
"The worshipful Lord said: To the yogi who has thus conquered the senses,
controlled the vital forces, attained steadiness of mind, and
concentrated it on Me, many psychic powers accrue."
The quote can also be found in the _Uddhava Gita_ which is a portion of
the _Bhagavatam_ often printed as a separate work.
<> Nicholas Weeks <> <> Los Angeles
Nothing learned, however outstanding and however helpful, will
ever give me any pleasure if the knowledge is to be for my benefit alone.
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