Re: "Spiritual culture" answering some inquiries
Oct 12, 1998 04:01 PM
by Dallas TenBroeck
Oct 12th 1998
Dallas offers:
I think the matter can be resolved if we refer to what HPB writes
in SD I pp. 327 to 329, but particularly on 328 where she shows
the awakening of Spirit/Matter from the Pralayic state and the
resumption of various activities following that.
Does that help ?
> From: Jerry Schueler
> Sent: Monday, October 12, 1998 11:46 AM
> Subject: Re: "Spiritual culture" answering some inquiries
>In a message dated 10/9/98 8:18:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
<< To cut my proposition short I said originally (as I remember)
that along with the differentiation of Spirit and Matter also
came Mind, because to me >>
>HPB says that "Mahat (the Universal Mind) is the first
>of the Brahm�-Creator" (SD I, p. 216) and that "Brahm� is Mahat
>-the Universal Mind" (SD II, p. 284) and further on she states
>"the Logos reflects the Universe in the Divine Mind" (SDI,
>Divine Mind or Mahat, then, would be the creative Logos or the
>creative aspect of God.
I would go so far as to say that mind is the ultimate cause of
the split between spirit and matter, because without mind
there is no dualistic division at all (Mind is the slayer of the
real, etc).
Jerry S.
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