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Re: Study Theosophy On-line

Sep 02, 1998 07:58 PM
by Nicholas Weeks

Dear fellow listers: I have opened this mornings mail to find the
floating of the possibility to study together.  YES excellent.
Certain postings have certainly been carefully expressed ideas, with
quotations and with ref.s.   Quick pointers are very useful.
Can we have a few suggestions and make the Talk Walk.
i.e. Explain  or give examples of the teaching/doctrine/study
e.g. last night Wednesday, 4 of us; 3 Lodge members and one new
interested  visito, read together "One's Own Path To The Way of All"
by Curt Berg one of the collected contributions in THE UNIVERSAL
FLAME. The text lead to discussion :- Self and  self,   reincarnation
our patterns of self that are so firm that we never get outside
N. Sri Ram who wrote:
" We have identified ourselves with so many things, our bodies, our
race, nationality, property, ideas, habits. We have to withdraw from
identification with everything external to ourselves Our
identification with all this has taken place in time. What came into
existence in time can be seen through and ended by us. Such not escapism. It is the attainment of a state of
freedom and universality...the return of the soul or consciousness to
its original state"
This article continued with Path of Self-Realization then to the
example of the well         (viz I Ching)
"What is a well? A well is a place where there is water, but the well
has not created the water.  A well is merely a place where the water,
which is everywhere in the depths of the ground, can be brought to
the surface for the benefit of men. (My intervention here:
Not a sexist remark but the word
used to indicate mankind....manas  = thinking)  the article contd:-
That is the way we should look at ourselves and our fellows.  Eternal
wisdom, truth and beauty are in each of us. Each of us has to try to
become a place where that eternal truth and beauty can well up for
the benefit of all. We shall find that, according ot our capacity to
become such wells, so will be our ability to help and to serve all
those whose lives at any time or at any point touch ours"
 END of article.
May I suggest that:
We on the net touch only though our minds but
 can  this be done with consideration of the
following words being part of an Invocation sounded at the
International Centre of Theosophical Studies each morning before we
began our class:
.....May we together experience the Truth;
May we create a channel of divine energy;
May we be endowed with luminous and true understanding:
May there be no discordance among us.
Peace Peace Peace....
I hope this may be of use Martin and Nicholas

""Nothing is permanent about our behaviour patterns except our belief
that they are so - The aim is to move with minimum effort and maximum
efficiency, not through muscular strength, but increased
consciousness of how  your body works"  Moshe Feldenkrais
I use this in the T'ai Chi Chuan Group but for body think mind for
muscular strength think though energy.....
>From   Clare   Namaste

>Dear fellows, Is there a possibility  to study together, like sections
>of the SD, Mahatma Letters, etc,  as part of the Theosophical sharing of
>Martin Leiderman

Yes -- where would you like to start?

<> Nicholas Weeks <> <> Los Angeles
	"Men must learn to love the truth before they thoroughly believe it."

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