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Re: Mahatmas, the T S, Theosophy & HPB -- What can we do ?

Aug 27, 1998 10:25 AM
by Dallas TenBroeck

Aug 27th 1998

The several positing during the past month have made me reflect on these

Dallas offers:  [ These are my thoughts on the subject ]

If we desire to know what the Theosophical Society was started for, we need
to go to what was stated at its origins, and not at what is now stated after
many modifications.

It was started (for this age of seekers beginning in 1875) at the behest of
the Masters of Wisdom [ see Blavatsky COLLECTED WORKS  Vol. 1 xliii,  121 -
125, 73, 94, 526;   PATH  Magazine Vol. X, p. 55, 368-9. ].

Since that time the pages of THEOSOPHIST Magazine (1879 on );  LUCIFER
(1877 on); and THE PATH magazine (1876 - 1897) reflect those changes in
rules that occurred and the events of the early history of the T S and many
of its important members have been traced and marked.

The THEOSOPHICAL MOVEMENT is quite different from the Theosophical
Society -- which is its temporary vehicle for this era and age.  Its value
 the T S ] is retained if it holds Theosophy aloft and if its members and
supporters work for that.

The THEOSOPHICAL MOVEMENT has no age as it is the exposition of the Laws of
Nature -- KARMA.  It has always existed and will continue after the
"Theosophical Society" (as we know it today) has vanished.  HPB has shows
its traces in antiquity in ISIS and the  SD.

Because of the fact that SPIRIT is universal, BROTHERHOOD IS A FACT in
Nature.  No being of any kind could exist without the support and
cooperation of multitudes of other beings. This fact is often overlooked.
The atom, the human being and the Galxy are contained in the ONE SPIRIT-- or

We thus have Universal LAW and Universal BEING.  Each of the many "beings"
is an immortal, from the spiritual point of view, and a "mortal" from the
physical and "personal" point of view (considering the matter that it uses
to clothe itself).  [ We ought to ask what is the power or force that serves
as a center to attract all the matter that forms our bodies ?   What is It
that organizes and makes of it (the composite body and personality) an
instrument for an intelligent Soul (EGO) to live in and use ?

CONSCIOUSNESS is the perceptive power of the "Ray of the One Spirit," which
is present in every being.  In mankind it is the personal Mind.  In animals
it is their natural Instinct.  In plants it is their Sensitivity.  In
minerals it is their cohesion/dispersion faulty, and so on.

According to the  laws and objectives of EVOLUTION every Being has the same
potential as every other.  Differences are the result of condition,
position, will and choice -- the "conditions" and "positions," being the
inevitable results of such choices.  [ A study of the S D will enable a
student to acquire a view of the details of the Theosophical Scheme as it is
to be found operative on the interlocking, and inter-active, visible and
invisible planes of Nature. It is held in Theosophy that it is the
individual Consciousness that draws together the necessary instruments and
faculties for the EGO/Soul to have experience in successive personalities as
it advances in its own evolution (in the company of all the rest).]

In mankind the Soul progress and "spiritual" advancement of each human is
through the process of reincarnation.  Each "personality" is like a bead
threaded on the unbreakable "string" of the immortal Spirit within.  It is
called the "Sutratma."

It is only natural that over the course of billions of years the evolution
of conscious intelligence has resulted in great knowledge.  This has been
attained by those who have desired to acquire it.  Now what is the key to
such an attainment ?

There is a restriction placed by Nature and her Laws on such acquisition.
No important power or faculty is granted unless the being becomes a BROTHER
to all beings.  In other words, renders himself HARMLESS to living things,
small or great.  No use of power for selfish purposes or short-termed
benefits is permitted by Nature.  This is the most important fact to be
understood by all who aspire to learning, power and mastery of Nature's

Nature contains all and is minutely regulated.

Thus the key to learning about her is said to be altruism, compassion,
nobility, straight-forwardness -- all the "virtues."

Initiation is granted by Nature and not by any "man" however wise or
learned.  This may sound strange as there are many who think (or have been
told) that certain individuals have the key to Nature's powers and will
convey them to another for a fee.  What is it that would permit such a Sage
to grant such a favor ?  So we think that illumination is granted or
acquired ?  Perhaps an analogy can help.  A candle is prepared of wax and
wick and is perfect, ready for use.  Fire to light it is lacking.  The
perfection of form permits those beings who have the "fire of the Mind" to
light it up, to open up for it the dawn of thought.  First comes the effort
to prepare the material.  Then when that is ready, the "Mind-Illuminated"
appear and grant of their power.

This is done under Nature's Law.  It is the junction at the right time and
season of both the "matter" and the "Spirit."  The grant of the mind faculty
is done by advanced MINDS -- our glorious and Wise predecessors.  so in time
when we have learned as They have, we will be able to pass that
responsibility on to others who have made themselves"ready."  This is the
purpose and work of Theosophy in the world.  We are those who are "making
ourselves 'ready.'"  [ see S D  I  pp. 181 -- 3 lines of evolution ]

If we think about these facts we will soon see that the Inner Man is the
Spiritual Ray.  It has been called the HIGHER SELF.  It is not far away, nor
different from us.  It is interior.  It is in this inner "chamber" that we
are the closest to Nature--the SPIRITUAL ONE SELF.

We have become (under our educational system, so far) accustomed to thinking
that powers, learning, wisdom are "external" to us--like 'data' to be
acquired and memorized.  This is not so.  They are internal.  The Master we
aspire to become (as persons), is already within.  We are in contact with IT
whenever we desire to be so.  But as its nature is not that of our "personal
consciousness," we often fail to find it.  And, being disappointed or
impatient, we resume the futile search outside .... [ see TRANSACTIONS OF
THE BLAVATSKY LODGE,  pp. 66 - 76  ULT Edition ]

For this kind of consideration we do not need letters or advice from this or
that "authority."

We already have this information.  It can be found in ISIS UNVEILED, the
SECRET DOCTRINE, and is repeated and explained in HPB's writings and those
of Mr.. W. Q. Judge.  What remains for us to do ?  Application.  And that
seems to me to be the key to our progress from here on.  It is self-induced,
and it is self-devised.  If persisted in, one may attain verification of all
that seem like so much theory or doctrine advanced by theosophy, and much of
it in contradiction to current accepted ideas.

But if, or, as we sense value to Theosophical concepts, we (alone) will make
the effort to study and to see if the suggested applications are reasonable.
No one is ever asked or expected to take anything on "belief in authority,"
or "blind faith."  Our progress as mind-being is by using the mind faculties
we have in potential, and then, developing them.  It is the path of
self-initiation and self-illumination.  [ If we reflect on our school and
college experience, we will soon realize that this rule has operated in our
early studies and the results are those we determined for ourselves.  This
is nothing new. ]  The powers of self-determination and self-progress (while
assisting others all the time) are the first powers to be developed.

I do not know if these musings are helpful, but it would be interesting to
see if they merit consideration.

Best wishes,


> Date: Wednesday, August 26, 1998 7:35 PM
> From: "M K Ramadoss" <>
> Subject: Re: Mahatma on TS & HPB

>At 12:03 PM 8/21/1998 -0700, you wrote:
>> ...He said, "The T.S. was their work: it was established to
>>change the present current of the human mind and destroy Nastikism,
>>[materialistic atheism]...
>><> Nicholas Weeks <> <> Los Angeles
>Very informative quote. Appreciate it.
>There is much talk about the Mystery Schools and TS possibly a pathway to
>Mystery Schools.
>In the famous Maha Chohan's letter as well as the above, the objective of
>launching TS has been clearly stated. It is to be noted that in both
>instances no mention of TS being a "chela school".
>Much more attention to the objects of TS may perhaps help revive interest
>in Theosophy and will contribute to the welfare of Humanity which includes
>each one of us

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