Allan, here is a quote for you: "dost thou see one, or countless lights...?"
Jul 25, 1998 08:38 PM
by Daniel H Caldwell
"Lift thy head, O Lanoo; dost thou see one, or countless lights above
thee, burning in the dark midnight sky?"
"I sense one Flame, O Gurudeva, I see countless undetached sparks
shining in it."
"Thou sayest well. And now look around and into thyself. That light
which burns inside thee, dost thou feel it different in anywise from the
light that shines in thy Brother-men?"
"It is in no way different, though the prisoner is held in bondage by
Karma, and though its outer garments delude the ignorant into saying,
'Thy Soul and My Soul.'"
>From an Eastern esoteric catechism, quoted by H. P. Blavatsky in The
Secret Doctrine 1:120
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