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Mar 23, 1998 01:13 PM
by Frank Reitemeyer

I only ask to find out if the St. Germain to whom you refer is the
same person as the St. Germain of HPB or not.
If he is the same the question arises: why the teachings are
contradict? Why do you name him a "Master" and HPB not? If he is not
the same my question is: Why are two different persons have the same
I am a little bit skeptic because two years ago I was in the center of
the Bridge of Freedom in my town, a split
group of the I AM movement. There were faked portraits of HPB and the
of the "Masters" hanging on the walls.
When I wondered why this portraits are contradict to those we know of
the theos. History I got the answer that
this portraits are 100 % original and were taken at Adyar in the last
century. To proof this claims I sent one photo with HPB and three
Masters to Adyar, to Pasadena and to Point Loma Pubc. All three
centers assured me that this photo was faked and the claims untrue.
Best wishes, Frank


>I don't know. Why do you ask?
>>Dear Brenda,
>>thank you very much for information. It is new for me that HPB was a
>>medium. Do you discreminate between
>>HPB and H.P. Blavatsky? What are your proofs that she was a medium?
>>have her many own statements
>>at eyewitnesses (ie. WQJ) that he never ever acted as a medium and
>>never held a seance. How do you
>>understand the word medium? Perhaps you have an interpretation
>>different from the common theosophical
>>Information that St. Germain is working in the I AM Temple is
>>interesting. Well, is he the same person that
>>HPB is refering to? I have not much knwoledge about the I AM. Is
>>St. Germain a kind of higher chela/Adept/Mahatma? If so, can any
>>interesting follower receive his messages? Are his messages
>>really news, or were only common places used of esoteric facts
>>known since the Theosophic
>>Renaissance in the last quarter of the century?
>>What do you mean when you say that Dora Kunz "teaches healing"? Is
>>this a mental technique like the
>>Christian Scientists use? Do you understand "channeling" in the same
>>way as mediumship? If so, did then
>>HPB also channeling?
>>Thank you much in advance.

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