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Mar 17, 1998 03:42 PM
by Jeff Needle

> Jeff Writes
> >I am Swedenborgian, and have wondered what feeling there is about
> >any connection Emanuel Swedenborg might have had with Theosophy.
> >At least one secular biography of Swedenborg called him a
> >theosophist; I've never seen any support for this before.
> One must distinguish between 'theosophy' and any of the theosophical
> societies. Swedenborg died in 1772 and so of course had nothing to do with
> the Theosophical Society. Theosophy is a general term encompassing all those
> who follow and teach the Divine Wisdom. Hence Jacob Boehme, Paracelsus,
> Pythagoras et al. were all 'theosophists'.
> When naming the society a dictionary was thumbed through and 'theosophy' was
> picked.
> Cordially,
> Bruce
Yes, I see this now.  I should have seen it before.  I remember
reading a delightful volume titled "Madame Blavatsky's Babboon" a
few years ago.  I should have recalled the time periods.

Thanks for the reminder!

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