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Theos World - "Golden Precepts" of GdeP

Mar 13, 1998 03:16 PM
by Pat F

Hi all,

    Would anyone mind discussing Purucker's Golden Precepts of
Esotericism?    Much of it I can grasp and accept as practical, e.g.
impersonality and love.   But he speaks of defending others, never
oneself.   As I understand it, he tells us that the initiate forgets the
own self and lives entirely for others.  Living for others is fine by
me; I think we should all devote some of our incarnations purely for
others, once we are fit enough.   What I don't understand is the
teaching that the chela does not stand up if only to defend
him/herself.   GdeP wrote:

    >Never strike back; never retaliate; be silent; be patient. Protect
others; protect yourself not at all.

    Is the student meant to take this quite literally?   Can someone
please discuss this with us?

    Thank you.

    Pat F.

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