Re:Usefulness of the list
Mar 10, 1998 05:28 PM
by Ken Malkin
Good Evening Visanu,
Thank you very much for your response. What I did question was your statement
that HPB gave the propationers pledge a public airing. Your post settled
authorship and I thank you for your efforts on my behalf.
Ken Malkin
Visanu Sirichote wrote:
> Ken Malkin wrote:
> >Where might I find the Probationers Pledge (below) you attribute to HPB
> >published?
> >>
> >> When HPB first began her esoteric section, The Pledge of Probationers was
> >> as follows:
> It is from HPB Collected Writings, Vol. 12, p. 506 with the following
> introduction:
> "In regard to the Pledge of Probationers, one of its early versions
> was openly published in the pages of Lucifer (Volume III, September,
> 1888, pp.63-27), in an article entitled 'The Meaning of a Pledge,'
> said to have been written by Dr. Archibald Keightley, and which we
> reproduce herewith."
> This six pages article was signed by 'One who is Pledged'.
> Visanu
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