Re:Usefulness of the list
Mar 08, 1998 09:03 PM
by Ken Malkin
Howdy all and Visanu,
Where might I find the Probationers Pledge (below) you attribute to HPB
Thanks in advance for your help.
Ken Malkin
Visanu Sirichote wrote:
> Dear Sigtryggur,
> Thanks you for your constructive message. It feels like fresh air flowing
> through stagnant thought-forms that begin to accumulate on this list as a
> result of increasing bandwidth of negative criticism.
> When HPB first began her esoteric section, The Pledge of Probationers was
> as follows:
> 1. I pledge myself to endeavour to make Theosophy a living factor in my
> life.
> 2. I pledge myself to support, before the world, the Theosophical movement,
> its leader and its members.
> 3. I pledge myself never to listen without protest to any evil thing spoken
> of a brother Theosophist and to abstain from condemning others.
> 4. I pledge myself to maintain a constant struggle against my lower nature,
> and to be charitable to the weaknesses of others.
> 5. I pledge myself to do all in my power, by study or otherwise, to fit
> myself to help and teach others.
> 6. I pledge myself to give what support I can to the movement in time, money
> and work.
> This pledge may help those who aspire to favour the cause of Theosophy as
> guideline in posting messages to the list till Eldon provides us with a
> real one.
> Best,
> Visanu
> >
> >Criticism is a highly destructive tool in the hands of the majority. It is
> >easy to criticise, to tear down what a brother or sister has built, maybe
> >with high hopes and loving care. To misinterpret, deliberately or not,
> >twist the meaning, and take sentences out of context. In essence it is a
> >very selfish act. The criticiser tries to find flaws in the logic or some
> >weak spot, and usually there are some. This he uses to attack and break
> >down the achievement of the other. And the motive is not to do good to his
> >brother or help him, but to make sure he does not rise higher than himself
> >and try to drag him down to his own level.
> >
> >
> >Sigtryggur.
> >
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