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Re:The Political Material That Fills theos-l

Mar 03, 1998 05:22 PM
by Marshall Hemingway III

In a message dated 98-03-03 19:26:27 EST, Abdill writes:

<< When and if there are two lists, one for theosophical ideas and one for
politics, I will gladly subscribe to the former. In the meantime, I ask now
to be removed from this list. >>

It's true that the dialogue here can be mean-spirited and argumentative.
However, I don't get the impression that anyone here on this list maintains
that he or she is fountain of the truth. Opinions are sometimes forcefully
stated, often in a very undiplomatic and tactless way. I have been upset with
this at times and have stated so on occasion. On the other hand, there's the
old saying: "if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen". Apparently
someone decided to get out of the kitchen. That's his right but hopefully the
rest of us will remain here and enjoy making the broth.
my two cents


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