Re:Robert Crosbie
Mar 02, 1998 10:54 AM
by M K Ramadoss
Let me see what I can do. BTW, I have not been following very closely the
exchange of msgs on the Judge related matters. Can you clarify:
1. I believe you are working a research study or thesis. Is this a Doctoral
dissertation or graduate level thesis?
2. At what University or Research institution this is being conducted.
3. In the research, have you postulated your hypothesis? What is the
4. At what stage the research is currently in.
5. Any other details that might help to understand your research.
I think information on the above will help others to provide any material
that might help you.
BTW, there are some published material by Alice Cleather who worked with
Judge for some time. Have you seen any of the material?
At 09:23 AM 3/2/98 PST, David Green wrote:
>MK Ramadoss-----------
>Thanks for your posting
>W Kell's biog on R Crosbie.
>I read about R Crosbie
>from B Campbell's theosophical
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