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Re: thoughts about Theosophy, the TS and the ULT

Mar 01, 1998 08:24 AM
by Brenda S Tucker

>        She continues on some:  Fundamental Laws and Principles:
>One homogeneous divine SUBSTANCE PRINCIPLE, the one radical
>SUBSTANCE -PRINCIPLE, because it becomes "substance" in
>IT remains a "Principle" as an "omnipresent Reality" --
>beginningless and endless, abstract, and is both visible and
>invisible SPACE, or rather their ESSENCE..
>The UNIVERSE is the periodical manifestation of this unknown
>Absolute Essence.
>But the word "essence" is a misnomer, as really, IT is without
>any qualities or attributes.

The cosmic light substance which we cover over everything in existence in
our decrees is an ascended master light substance and of a different grade
than that which was used to convert the world to a human one ages ago.

>Since the Universe is temporary -- it is called "illusion," MAYA,
>when compared with the immutability of the ONE.  And yet, the
>UNIVERSE is very REAL to those conscious Beings within it.
>Every Being has its permanent BASE in the divine SPIRIT, but,
>their forms are changeable and therefore illusory--mayavic.  The
>'forms' are themselves composed of immortal beings (monads), each
>of which is undergoing its own evolutionary progress by being
>associated with more advanced beings, in Nature's various
>departments, and with men-minds.

Who would dare to call the ascended masters or the human beings
"temporary"? The forms around us exist because we made them OR because they
were created to serve as tools in man's growth and progression.

>Everything in the Universe is CONSCIOUS.  It has an inherent
>awareness of its own kind in whatever situation it is.  There is

>no "dead," or "blind" matter, nor is there an "unconscious Law."
>The Universe is EMBODIED LAW--Karma.
>The whole Universe, as well as every Being that is in its
>composition, is guided from "within" by its own CONSCIOUS and
>purposeful Being (Monad).  It is an evolution towards a perfect
>understanding of the WHOLE, and demands self-defined and
>self-devised cooperation and brotherhood with all other forms
>whether high or low in their own evolutionary condition.

If there is a "being" within, then that is what guides it. If the "being"
is angelic, then it performs in accordance with those laws. If the "being"
is an actual evolving life in our chain, then it lives along the ideals of
that chain.

>All Beings are immortals.  they affect each other.  Forms change
>but the "essence" is ever the same.  [ The atom is a "perpetual
>motion machine."  Its energy never diminishes or decreases, but
>may be transformed. ]  The MONAD (Atma-Buddhi) is an immortal
>being.  It undergoes its continuous evolution, and in the
>man-stage it becomes associated with Manas-mind.  The Mind forms
>the link to the personality in which instinct and volition are
>the highest development of those faculties that the evolution of
>'form' provides.

You skipped a lot of the stuff regarding angels.

Therefore every ancient philosophy and religion will be found AT
SOURCE to teach the identical fact that behind all manifestation

The way I figure it, we are still involved with the success of the third
round. The third round is our example in how to complete this round. The
third round was ruled by Venus and so Venus, while not the Kumara of the
race or the round, is a fascinating energy for us to interact with.

>2nd.  Within the manifested Universe are those Beings who have
>become consciously the EVER-EXISTING.

Right now, in the fifth race, that would be the ascended masters and the
beings which we are - human.

>And, 3rd. all "forms" represent the PHENOMENAL, the constantly
>changing, experiencing and developing consciousnesses, each
>essentially an "immortal Ray" of the ONE, but each developing the
>independent faculty of cognizing IT.  And this process takes
>billions of ages.  We, as we are now, are only half way through
>this wonderful process.

This is our human creation which we are gradually acclamating to the
ascended master light substance which comes through us.

>These three 'Universes" may be also called:  the Initial, the
>Manifest, and the Creative (or rather the Self-creative in the
>case of individual minds).  The "created form" is a symbol of the
>two ideals behind it:  purified substance-matter, and
>self-conscious Spirit.  And thus the 'two' are reunited and
>become CONSCIOUSLY "ONE" -- one with the ABSOLUTE, merged into
>it, and yet, separate as cause -- as a responsible being willing
>to assist in all future manifestations.

Are these comments to your satisfaction?


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