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Re:WQ Judge and the dead Blavatsky/K Tingley and the discarnate Judge

Feb 19, 1998 02:44 PM
by Jerry Hejka-Ekins


Dear Dallas,

Thanks for your patience.  The reference comes from a White Lotus Day
address Besant gave in 1909 (not 1906, sorry), where Judge makes peace
in his after death existence with Besant and is again working for the
T.M. and T.S.  The full text of the address can be found in Besant's The
Changing World, Theosophical Book Concern, Chicago, 1910.  I believe
that the book is out of print but not that hard to find.  The passage
below comes from page 285, where Besant is talking about past workers
for Theosophy who fell away:

Take that great man amongst us round whom raged the last great struggle,
the one before the struggle which is now nearing its close--W.Q.
Judge--one of the greatest and noblest workers in our movement, even
though in the last days of his life made the great rent in the
Theosophical Society which cost us for the time pretty well the whole
Society in America.  He again, winning clearer vision on the other side
after something of difficulty and something of struggle (for the man was
strong, and was not easy to move or change even when the physical body
had been cast away), he after a while worked his way through the mistake
that had been made, and has again thrown his life force, his enormous
energy into the Movement of which the outer partial manifestation here
is the Theosophical Society, and into that Theosophical Society also.


Dallas TenBroeck wrote:

> Feb 17th 1998
> Dear Jerry:
> Would it be possible to give a page and source reference to the
> statement made by A. Besant's 1906 London lecture in which she
> speaks of Judge as having made peace with HPB and cooperating
> with her on fresh plans for the TS ?
> Sounds extraordinary -- and I have not seen this yet anywhere
> else.  do help if you have the reference available.
> Dallas

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