Re:Croatian TS & New Acropolis
Feb 17, 1998 01:44 AM
by Kazimir Majorinc
I published article about NA in Phylosophical Investigations, journal of
the Croatian Phylosophical Society, academical one, before 7-8 years.
Article covers public teachings of NA. They teach about Socrat, Platon, Lao
Tse, HPB, Voice of Silence, Bhagavad Gita, king Arthur, old American
cultures etc. It seems that Giordano Bruno is somehow essential person for
them. They do not like Leadbeater. From my point of view, they catch for
unimportant points of the buddhism and other teachings (like the most of new
west sincretism). They are trying to 'modify old wisdom for contemporary
west man'. They smoke, eat meat, etc, and it seems that they do not
meditate or make similar exercises, at least it is not the part of their
public teaching.
In Croatian non-religious press, there are the informations that
organization NA is trying to take over theosophical lodges, on the manner
that some secret members of NA became members of the TS Lodge, work there,
trying to make influence and in good moment join the lodge to NA, with
members and oher properties. This should be the way how this organization
spread. So, if it is the true, it is the answer on question why some
theosophists want to join such organization. I'm sure that Andrija Joncic,
the president of the lodge Phoenix from Zagreb was the member of the NA and
worked on joining to NA far before their official joining to the NA. This
lodge was old, but majority of all members of the lodge in the moment of
voting was new ones, so they could vote anything. (Digression: i know from
my personal experience that members of the Moon's sects use similar
tactics, at least in Croatia.)
I think that there was some official warning from Adyar TS about NA,
titled 'New Acropolis, good imitation of TS but danger trap' or something
like that. Those of you who are members of TS should know better.
NA is accused in press for extreme right ideology, even for glorifying
german nacist leader A. Hitler. I must said that I did not seen such things
between members of NA, but there are also claims about inner circle inside
NA and that outer circle do not know basics ideas. It is quite possible.
The members of New Acropolis was recently expelled from some inter
religion conference in Germany, (search Deja News -> New Acropolis ).
NA also produce large number of different copies of ancient
sculptures with some symbolical or esotherical meanings, which are really
nice. Nevertheless about ideology. I have their Horus's eye in my office,
looking at me this moment.
It seems that it may be reasonable for theosophists to pay attention on
this organization, both from historical and practical reasons.
Kazimir Majorinc, dipl. ing. math.
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Math, University of Zagreb
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