Re:Differences between TS and NA
Feb 15, 1998 06:53 PM
by Frank Reitemeyer
>I do not know about NA, but some one else may be able to throw some ligh=
>However, I vaguely recall there were some organizational disputes
>TS years ago and it could be that some of the lodges may have moved into=
>NA. I am also posting this on theos-l so that if anyone there knows
>something they could respond.
>At 06:36 PM 2/14/1998, you wrote:
>Dear theosophists,
>The TS Lodge in Croatia where I used to go before ten years became part =
>the organization called New Acropolis. What are the doctrinal and
>organizational differences between TS's and NA? What do you think about
>this NA organization? Is it stil teosophy, or something different, on yo=
>opinion. I heard that they are accused for some extreme right political
>ideology, but I have no evidence for it yet.
> Kazimir Majorinc, dipl. ing. math. =
> Faculty of Natural Sciences and Math, University of Zagreb =
> =
Hi, I am quoting from the latest dictionary about sects in Germany from a=
Mr. Hans-Otto
Wiebus: "Religionen, Sekten, Seelenfanger" (Religions, sects, soul
Folllowing Mr. Wiebus the New Acropolis was founded in 1957 in Buenos Aires from
Jorge Angel Livraga (J.A.L., 1930-1991). Today there shall be 150 Centers=
in 50 countries
with total 50,000 members exist. The first europian branch was founded in=
1967 in =
fascist Spain. The NA is to be said to combine theosophical thought with
right-winged ones
and to have a strong leader system with discipline and order and esoteric=
JAL shall have
based his doctrines on the Theosophy of Blavatsky. There exists an inner
circle which is =
organised like a secret society.
So far this dictionary entry. =
My comment: Perhaps the allegations are true or half-true. When I am
reading the entry
about Theosophy I don't know wether I should laugh or cry... Sadly no
bibliography of JAL
is given. Perhaps his books are only in Spanish?
Any news about NA are welcome.
Best wishes,
German Theos. Central Archives
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