Re:Universal Brotherhood
Feb 13, 1998 03:04 AM
by Dallas TenBroeck
Dear Friends:
If there is a decrease of public interest in the T S ( and in other
organisms through which Theosophy is promulgated,and discussed ) it does not
mean that THEOSOPHY vanishes, or that we ought to despair.
Numbers are not symptomatic of anything else than a change in activity in a
general cycle. It means that individuals who desire to profit from the
contact and exchange of ideas are perhaps showing less inclination to be
formally affiliated in any organization.
It does not mean that THEOSOPHY has "failed," but, if anything, it ought to
inspire all those who have studied and been touched by the universal and
brotherly basis, and the moral value of Theosophy have to redouble their
individual efforts.
There are people "out there" who are interested in Theosophy. Not in the
word or in the expression, more or less formalized, which is emblemed by any
organizational name. The true "flag-Ship" is to my mind: Theosophy, and
not any of the several "organizations."
For that reason there should be continued assistance and help offered
through exchanges such as we have here in this circle of continued and
interesting exchanges.
If, individually, we are going to grow with this assistance, then individual
study of theosophical subjects becomes necessary. The more we know for
sure, the better able we will be to assist others -- and, isn't that
brotherhood in action ?
Any more ideas ?
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