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Re:W.Q.Judge's "unpublished" letters

Jan 15, 1998 01:35 PM
by Jerry Hejka-Ekins

A friend once commented to me that the policy found among TS organizations of
keeping archival  material away from the members and Theosophical historians is
a lot like the dragon who hoards the gold and imprisons the virgins in his
cave.  He has no practical use for any of it, except to keep it all away from
those who it would benefit.  I Guess we need another Beowulf, or St. Michael,
or St. George to rid us of this plague.  Many have tried but....

It seems to me that the Masters who launched the TS would have a certain amount
of karmic responsibility as to its progress.  On the other hand,  they write on
several occasions in their letters to Sinnett that they are very limited as to
what they actually can do, since they cannot interfere with the karma of
others.  If this is so (and I think it is), then a comment from another friend
that the Masters protect the TS and would never allow it to become corrupt, is
both naive and goes against what the Masters wrote about their own
limitations.  More likely, the Adyar TS is little different from any other
political body in that the people vote for their leaders and as a group, we get
exactly what we deserve.  Democracy only works when the people take up their
responsibility to be informed of the issues and participate in the system.  As
soon as we shift our own responsibilities onto our representatives,  the
system, as naturally as a rock rolling down a hill,  becomes corrupt.


Frank Reitemeyer wrote:

> >Most of the unpublished Judge letters are in the archives of the Adyar TS
> and in
> >the archives of the Pasadena TS.  The unpublished Judge letters to Olcott
> in the
> >Adyar archives, if published, would  either show that Olcott's accusations
> >concerning Judge's letters are correct or that they are not.  This is an
> important
> >issue concerning the Judge case.  The Pasadena TS archives has the Olcott
> side of
> >the correspondence, but these would be of no importance in resolving this
> >question, unless they were made available along with the Judge side of the
> >correspondence.  I'm personally aware of several people who have pressured
> Adyar
> >to make these letters available since the 60s, and Adyar has so far
> refused.  One
> >of the people was the late Boris deZirkoff.  The Pasadena TS has expressed
> to
> >Adyar a willingness to publish Olcott side of the correspondence providing
> Adyar
> >agrees to publish the Judge side.  Their reasoning is that it would be a
> manner of
> >fairness that both sides should be available.
> >Adyar has given no official reason for being unwilling to make the Judge
> letters
> >public.
> >ECHOES OF THE ORIENT was published by Point Loma Publications.
> Jerry, thank you so much for this important "insider" information. This
> information is of a kind we "normal members" are still missing in the
> official theosophical magazines, excerpt the independent and critical but
> fair High Country Theosophist of Dick Slusser.
> To hold back important information and prevent us members to learn and to
> our *own* conclusions (wether Olcott or Judge was right) is a violence
> against *TRUTH*. Shame on all bigwigs in the Theosophical Movement who have
> "Theosophy" and "H.P. Blavatsky" on their lips and in reality they act as
> Brahmans or Jesuits. In our local newspaper there was an significant news
> on Jan. 12, stating the fact that vaticanian Cardinale Joseph Ratzinger,
> who holds the chair of the former inquisition comittee (Sacra congretio
> Romanae et universalis inquisitionis seu Santci Officii) will OPEN the
> until then closed Secret Archives of Rome for the first time in history of
> the roman-catholic church!!!!
> What does it me to us Theosophists in this context? Does that mean that
> this Society, of her policy Jerry informed us so kindly now is the last and
> only one world movement which prefers CENSORSHIP (and one may add:
> excommunications)?
> We all should be alarmed about this sad progress towards... black magic, as
> H.P.B. would have prefered to say. A THEOSOPHIST is who does THEOSOPHY.
> Perhaps I could give a rationale for the policy of that society proclaimed
> herself "Theosophical". It is known among students that there exist an oral
> history back to the days of Judge. Some of his closest pupils explained
> that the "non-letters" of Judge in the Adyar archives containing some
> detailed prophecies from Master about Adyar: When Adyar would not return to
> the Original Programme of the Parent-Society (see BCW VII, 157) until a
> distinct period, the Masters would do certain things (perhaps suddenly new
> documents will arise?) with the results that "hundreds and thousends"
> members will stand up angery and revolt againgst Adyar. So all of us who
> stand fast to the Cause and the Truth should not be worry. Time and karma
> will work for us. And for others time will running out. It's just 23 month
> up to 2000....
> And today, the birthday of GdeP is just the right time to remember what
> this great soul had to say:
> "So then, here is your check against the unlimited and ungoverned
> introduction into our beloved Theosophical Movement of corrupting or
> disintegrating influences, of hunters for position and place, power, and
> kudos: the fact that Teachers exist and can be reached by those who prove
> themselves worthy, and that each one of you can gain all that such a
> Teacher has or will ever have by going within and above yourself, looking
> within and following the teaching, and then your hearts will be at peace
> with your fellow-man; you will then have courage to tell him the truth if
> needs be, because your own mind will see, and your brain will be cleared of
> the fogs of deceptive thought."    -    GdeP: Messages to Conventions, p.
> 51, Point Loma Publications.
> Love and Peace,
> Ringding Frank

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