Re:Re: Selfishness
Dec 30, 1997 10:50 PM
by Mark Kusek
Nicholas Weeks wrote:
> >As for motivation to overcome comfortable "vices", I'll bet your karma
> >will take care of that, as will mine. "Save from suffering, save from
> >harm, Boddhisattva, come!"
> Since Buddha defined karma as motive, will or volition (cetanaa), our
> motives are our karma. If there is no motive of Right Effort, then there
> is no Karma to take care of us.
I believe that there is, in the effects caused by one's actions.
However, I agree with you that it might take some time. Isn't cause and
effect the whole mechanism of evolution? That's a bit like saying that
the Causless Cause isn't a Right Effort, no?
> Conversely, if our motive is weak,
> sporadic or non-existent in dealing with our animal nature, then our
> karma will be indifference or hostility to dealing with it. This pattern
> takes many lives to form.
Sounds like the definition of the average human being to me.
What do you think would happen if our motive is to kindly accept, love
and try to understand ourselves as well as our animal nature?
> What is the source of the quote? Does it mean the Bodhisattva will save us?
The quote is from a Chinese Buddhist mantra to Avalokiteshvara (Kwan
What it means, I suppose, depends on how you understand Avalokiteshvara.
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