Re:Ramalingam Swamy
Dec 14, 1997 06:44 PM
by Nicholas Weeks
> Here is a quote of what HPB wrote about him. I was not able to
>verify the accuracy with the original publication.
>HPB wrote a note in "Hints on Esoteric Theosophy" a summary of which is:
>He is an undoubted Mahatma, having lived doing extraordinary work fo rthe
>Universal Brotherhood with his indomitable desire to raise humanity to the
>spiritual height.
The "Hints" quotation by HPB is reproduced in BCW 4, 136-37. I also
checked the "Hints" booklet itself (pp. 130-31). All HPB wrote was that
Ramalinga was "in the counsels of those who ordered us to found the
Society." So his status was not clearly stated.
Nicholas <> <> Los Angeles
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