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Re:HPB's Occult Imprisonment

Dec 13, 1997 07:08 PM
by Brenda S Tucker

At 01:00 PM 12/13/1997 -0800, you wrote:
Mark wrote:
>Indeed, but I need to ask a few questions.
>I'm not quite sure what you quote is saying or what your point is. Does
>the post mean that the author is saying that Blavatsky was employing
>this technique to restrict others she felt were a danger [and by so
>doing, caught the disapproval of other European occultists] or that she
>was being made a victim of it herself? If the former, why and to who was
>it directed? If the latter, by whom and for what reasons?
>Also, if a person is deemed 'dangerous' by 'good' (re: white or
>Right-hand) occultists, why would paralyzing the higher activities (I'm
>assuming the spiritual nature, influence from the CAUSAL EGO and higher
>triad, monad, hierarchy, etc) be the solution? It would seem that a
>rampant lower nature would be the more likely cause of any danger, no?
>Wouldn't you want to increase the flow rather than obstruct it? Unless I
>misunderstand, and this 'higher activity" (re: spiritual) infers a
>threat to black magicians, sorcerers and left-hand occultists.
>Whose wearing the white and black hats here? Please clarify.

Bruce adds from Steiner:

"Think of it in this way. - The occult knowledge was in her aura; as the
result of certain processes that were set in operation, it came about that
for a long time everything in this aura was thrown back into her soul. That
is to say, all the occult knowledge she possessed was to be imprisoned; she
was to be isolated as far as the outer world and her occultism were

RSteiner  The Occult Movement in the 19th Century.

I find these comments by Harris and Steiner very enjoyable. The history of
Harris was, too. I don't react like some people do and think how much MORE
we have from HPB, but prefer to try to thank both Harris and Steiner for
helping to the best of their ability.

I hope you both (all) are willing to hear a third party comment on what
Mark wrote. His questions were in regard to this quote:

"There is a certain operation of ceremonial magic by means of which a wall
>> of psychic influences may be built up around an individual who has become
>> dangerous, which has the effect of paralyzing the higher activities and
>> producing what is called the 'repercussion of effort', and the result is a
>> kind of spiritual sleep characterized by fantastic visions. It is an
>> operation seldom resorted to even by Brothers of the Left, and in the case
>> of Madam Blavatsky was disapproved of by almost all European occultists."
>> Trancendental Universe, Harrison.

What I read in this quote is that a person (good or bad) may be imprisoned
so that they do not contact human concepts, feelings and desires, even to
the point that when they try to create (a healing energy, for example) the
healing doesn't escape their aura, but produces healing in themselves.
Likewise, if a "dangerous" individual tried to create discord either
consciously or unconsciously, this would only be felt by the individual

If HPB were imprisoned in a wall of light, for instance, in which human
contact was extremely limited, she would be confined to contact with an
ascended master world or "octave" (which is the term used by some today)
and it is possible that other occultists might resent this type of
imprisonment if it meant that they could not be interacted with.

The wall of psychic influences could presumably be referring to life with
those beings who can be met within and through our own higher soul - like
contact with a master on the inner plane. (I, myself, probably wouldn't
call it psychic, but cosmic.)

Paralyzing the higher activities could refer to a condition where the
higher energies could not reach out to humanity, like healing, blessing,
illumining, protecting, etc., but could only return upon the sender.

A spiritual sleep characterized by fantastic visions would be a view of the
octave where the ascended masters live - seeing life considerably beyond
our current realm.

This would be a good way to quiet a dangerous person - as well as one who
is preparing work like HPB - because inner vision can help us to reach
beyond our current frame of mind, projecting us into a more "specialized"
state of being, one who isn't bitter and can't carry resentment or
distress, but is healed by love and glory, so to speak.

This helps me also to share the concept of justice - which I have newly
acquired as of late - as being for every man, no matter what their past, a
gift of every good thing in life. Justice is for all of us to be turned
solidly to good ways by accepting ascended master light and substance into
our lives. Learning goes beyond our own abilities to make sense of our
actions and involves dramatic changes in our constitution through contact
with adept beings. If this is viewed as a cyclic occurrence - every 5th,
6th and 7th race on every globe - then a time will return when we are left
to our own devices for growth. This in no way lessens my appreciation for
learning as it is done now.

I'd like to see an enumeration of seven ways of learning, similar to the
way seven means of birth are discussed in the SD.



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