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Re:New ISIS version

Nov 21, 1997 06:41 PM
by Nicholas Weeks

>In addition, the preface to Part II says:
> An analysis of religious beliefs in general, this volume is in particular
>directed against theological Christianity, the chief opponent of free
>thought. It contains not one word against the pure teachings of Jesus, but
>unsparingly denounces their debasement into pernicious ecclesiastical
>systems that are ruinous to man's faith in his immortality and his God, and
>subversive of all moral restraint.

None of this Vol. 2 preface is in it. Which is one reason why I wish it
had been left titled THEOLOGY. Both the Masters and HPB wrote in many
places that it was the work of theologians they opposed, not religion.

>From what you have seen in the book, is the abridgement going to help reach
>more readers, in your judgement?


Nicholas <> <> Los Angeles
 With a disposition to forget our selfish selves, and to live for
 others,... to do our full duty to our mission in life, then we shall be
 living the occult life. Katherine Tingley

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