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Re:Maha Chohan's Letter

Nov 21, 1997 00:12 AM
by Bhive888 (Bruce)

MKR writes
> Here is the letter I was referring to. It is from theos-roots theosophy
> maillist. It gives some idea about what the "Founders" had in their mind
> when the TS was started. This letter is considered by many to be the most
> important letter ever received from the Adept Teachers as it communicates
> the views of the Great Master as regards the role of Theosophy and
> Theosophical Society. Many things said in it seems to be appropriate in
> as it was in 1880. Parts of the letter has been widely quoted by every
> Theosophical leader from HPB onwards.

Thank you for the posting, but as you write this was 1880 and constituted
part of a re-routing.
 I am referring to the actual formation of the society. In H.P.B.'s
collected works Vol. 1 there is a small section on the formation of the
Society page121. In it I can't find the word "universal" let alone
In an important note pasted in her scrap book is the earliest reference to
a society " M brings orders to form a society- a secret society like the
Rosicrucian Lodge. He promises to help." ( early 1875)

' In addition to that, she specifically states having recieved orders from
India "to establish a philosophico-religious Society" and to choose
Olcott," and dates this "July 1875"'
Add that to my previous Olcott material.
God Bless,

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