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Re:Pratical Occultism

Nov 20, 1997 09:40 PM
by Jose R Grana

This is, precisely, the most important of all points.
The so called "Universal Brotherhood" is a fact of life,
a reality that no one can deny.
This brotherhood of all human beings and all existing
creatures always existed and will exist with or without the TS.
If the TS is going to have this as its only goal and purpose
it will dry and die as an empty shell.
On the other, hand the sole and only fact that a group
of people, interested in the occult get together will accelerate
their spiritual development, individually and colectively.
Psiquic and occult faculties and spiritual development
are the only valid reasons for the existence of the TS,
but approached in a special, innocent way,
devoid of the egocentrism of other and previous
occult and/or spiritual schools of "magic".
At least, that's how I see it.

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