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Re:Secret Doctrine and Sex

Nov 11, 1997 08:14 PM
by Ernest Pelletier

Reply to ramadoss re: The SD and the Problem and Evolution of Sex

"The Secret Doctrine on the Problem and Evolution of Sex" compiled by Basil Crump, this pamphlet (No.2), along with the other nine in "The Blavatsky Pamphlets" series, is still available from:

H.P.B. Library
c/o Joan Sutcliffe
284 Ellis Avenue

A catalogue of available titles will be mailed upon request.

An ad for the H.P.B. Library has appeared regularly in Edmonton T.S.’ publication, FOHAT. The latest issue (Vol.1, No.3, Fall 1997) includes an article by Joan Sutcliffe on Alice Leighton Cleather. ALC’s private collection formed the basis of this library.

If Joan cannot supply at this time for some reason, please contact me and I will try my best to get you a copy.


On 11/11/97 09:26:46 you wrote:
>Can anyone help on the following?
>Date Tue, 11 Nov 1997 10:11:30 -0500 (EST)
>From M K Ramadoss <>
>Subject Re: Secret Doctrine and Sex
>At 01:09 AM 11/11/97 -0500, you wrote:
>>> Has any one seen the following pamphlet.
>>> "The Secret Doctrine" on the Problem and Evolution of Sex.
>>> Compiled with Notes and Comments by Basil Crump.
>>No, but if someone finds it, please put it up on the list.
>>I'd love to see that subject discussed.
>According to the reference I have, they were available in 1927, ie 70 years
>ago, from:
>1. The "HPB" Library, Victoria, British Columbia.
>2. The "O.E." Library, 1207 Q St. NW., Washington DC
>3. The Blavatsky Association, 26 Bedford Gardens, Campden Hill, London W 8.
>4. China Booksellers Ltd., Peking and Lientsin.
>Hope this helps someone to track this pamphlet down.

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