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Re:Mr Judge and Mrs Besant

Nov 11, 1997 04:46 PM
by Nancy L Malcom

The Ocean Of Theosophy was the first book about Theosophy I read/studied
under a mentor. The book changed my belief system from that day on.
Although I am not a learned scholar in this field or any other, I know that
the book is a valuable contribution to Theosophical literature and
presents, even now, one of the best over-views of the concepts of
Since I did not know Mr. Judge, I cannot and will not make judgements for
or against him based on what was said about him by others. He wrote a book
that introduced me in an inspirational and logical way to Theosophy. For
that I am grateful to him. Whatever else he did as a man is not within my
ability to judge.
I am not familiar with Ms. Bessant's work and will make no comment.
My personal notion is that whatever these people did or did not do is not
within my ability to know the truth about, since both are now dead. Their
work should stand on it's own. Would all the good that Mother Teresa has
done be discounted if she had gotten drunk one night in her life and said
she was tired of taking care of sick people? I have no idea if that
happened or not, but I can say it, can't I...and who can disprove it?
Certainly not Mother Teresa...
Having said my piece, I'll go "lurk" in my corner and listen to you, those
who have studied for years, for the guidance you give on this and other
subjects. Please, I am not being disrespectful of any of you. If I didn't
not think you had something of value to say, I would "unsubscribe" and be
done with it. Although there has been a great deal of debate on many issues
in this forum, I stand in awe and respect for those who "know their stuff".
Including Mr. Judge.

Nancy Malcom

> Date Monday, November 10, 1997 5:42 AM
> From Dallas TenBroeck <>
> Subject Re:Mr Judge and Mrs Besant
> Nov 10th 1997
> Dear Bjorn R. and David G.
> I read your comments on Judge and Besant.
> If you have read the documentary history of the recent Theosophical
> Movement, titled: The THEOSOPHICAL MOVEMENT 1875-1950, I think you
> be better equipped to judge the work and value of these two persons.
> the effect of their influence on Theosophy. There are many opinions, but
> facts, if known are more useful. At least they can be substantiated by
> reference to original source material.
> It was suggested that LETTERS THAT HAVE HELPED ME and THE OCEAN OF
> THEOSOPHY, both by Judge be read so you can make a judgment on your own
> his worth. There is no better way to go. On the other hand if you have
> not read those books then it is dangerous to pass on unverified
> as "truths." Most of Judge's articles and some of his books are
> for reference "on line" at
> But, if you are airing opinions which you have not substantiated, then I
> fear, you do your crebility an injustice.
> If you do have some proofs to advance in support of your statements,
> do so. I would be glad to go over them.
> I have been a sutdent of Theosophical history for nearly 50 years and
> welcome any additional facts. If you are intersted in what Mr. Judge was
> and did please let me know as I can send you a biographical sketch.
> Dallas
> P S:
> Judge was one of the Original Founders of the T S in New York in Sept.
> 1875. He remained devoted to Theosophy and the TS till his death in 1896
> -- he had been in the TS for 21 years. He Edited the monthly magazine
> PATH from April 1886 till his death in 1896.
> Hundreds of valuable articles, letters, and answers from his pen largely
> inspired members and served to promote the growth of the membership for
> T S Section in America.
> HPB and Olcott praised him often and very highly (I have copies of their
> letters or quotations for anyone who would like to see them). His 10
> of Annual, official Reports as General Secretary for the American Section
> S from 1885-95 attest to the nature of his work whereby he helped build
> membership from about 350 to over 5,000 in America.
> Annie Besant joined the T S in London after reviewing the SECRET DOCTRINE
> and interviewing Mme. Blavatsky in 1888. This was less than 3 years
> HPB died. She was very talented and ably assited HPB during that time in
> the editing of LUCIFER magazine. After the death of HPB, she and Judge
> collaborated for several years till early in 1894 she severed that
> arrangement. Thereafter she was responsible for re-issuing the "2nd
> edition" (1894) of the SECRET DOCTRINE with over 40,000 unsanctioned
> alterations as compared to the original 1888 Edition which HPB had
> In 1897 she issued a "3rd Volume of the S D" which contains unedited
> Manuscripts of HPB's, and other material which HPB had had no time to
> review or correct before she died. The description of the 3rd Volume of
> the SD as HPB gave it in the 1888 edition does not agree with what was
> later issued in 1897 as the "Third Volume." You will find adequate notes
> on this in Blavatsky COLLECTED WRITINGS, edited by Boris de Zircov, and
> published by the TPH, Adyar, Wheaton, London.

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