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Nov 08, 1997 07:19 PM
by Brenda S Tucker

Dear Sophia,

The book describes it like this. (Keep in mind I've only read the first two
chapters.) The ego sends forth its energies into the forms at different
times during any one life. The reason it pours forth its energy is that the
forms have experienced a pleasureful event that "calls" forth the ego's
powers. (I guess the ego finds the vibration similar to its own.) The
problem is that if man focuses only on this aspect of life - the outpouring
of the ego into form - the form is unable to sustain the level of work
required by such a constant egoic outpouring. We all need cycles of rest
and activity. If there is an excess of egoic energies pouring into a form,
the form becomes frozen or paralyzed according to this author, unable to act.

What results when the egoic outpouring ends is the lesser lives try to
accomplish what the ego was doing ("impressing" was your choice of words).
If they are good at this (after a few repetitions, I suppose), then the
bodies are able to accomplish an egoicly initiated action AUTOMATICALLY,
while the ego is freed to concentrate its energies upon higher functioning.
The book uses as an example breathing, digestion, etc. - those things that
have become automatic to us.

If the ego did not withdraw its energies periodically, there would never be
the accomplishment of having our activity occur harmoniously and smoothly
without undue attention. This is karma. Also, The harmony we are looking
for is threefold: 1) outgoing Ego contacts body and outer world - this
repetition of contact causes automatic activity, 2) the adjustment by the
logoic lifewaves to keep harmony as both the Ego's bodies and the lesser
lives around the Ego (plants, animals, minerals) go without Egoic contact,
and 3) the automatic Ego impress flooding the body and keeping it
controlled and working efficiently.

Now the Ego can "view" its Self in its sheaths and can experience "being"
this way, but the Ego cannot do so (with all of its new unfolding powers)
independently of the form and this is a goal, because while the Egos use
form to experience and learn, they're aim is to retain this coloring
independently of reincarnation in form. The way to learn this is for the
egoic energy to withdraw back into the ego, an act associated with pain.
Yogis are especially attentive to whether their ego is energizing the form
or withdrawing from the form. Their concept of non-attachment is practiced
so that they can experience existing beyond form. As long as these energies
occur in cycles, we are providing Ishvara with time with her children and
providing the children time to exist without egoic control. This is the
highest harmony, but sometimes people don't recognize that Ishvara is at
work nor that matter can act in a limited sense without constant egoic

So now we find ourselves faced with a problem. Cosmic intelligence is at
work in matter and form, sometimes these are referred to as angels or
devas. As we appreciate the Ego's influx into matter, we try to preserve
this condition and we desire it because it is pleasureful. Through this
desire we stifle the true awareness of the lower lives (which should also
interact with the macrocosm) by trying to hold them to us, the Ego. We
think we are holding our vehicles in harmony, but the cosmic forces are
giving us pain and misery because we are ignoring them. As long as we
refuse to recognize the angels and their role, the Ego provides the sole
means of control over our vehicles, so we think, but this type of body
cannot vibrate in unison with the cosmic intelligences and so karma is
created. A body like this can not help much in evolving latent powers of
the soul because it isn't skilled at freeing itself from the trammels of
the form because it is inert, frozen, a slave and pain and misery are

Thank you for your comments and I hope you can continue to enjoy this book
with me as I make notes on the rest of it.


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