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Re:Editorial vicissitudes

Nov 03, 1997 11:00 PM
by M K Ramadoss

At 09:30 AM 11/4/97 +0800, Philip Harris wrote:

>many times. Incidentally, do readers know that "The Wizard of Oz", which
>was written by the theosophist L. Frank Baum, was rejected by so many
>publishers that he was forced to publish it himself!

Your post was eye opening.

With the growing coverage of Internet, self-publishing is going to become
easy. Once any publication is in an electronic media, it can be published at
a very little cost and made available for free to everyone to read. Of
course this would leave open the question of authors who make a living by
writing having to worry about how they are going to make a living.

BTW, have you considered putting any of your writings available on Internet?
TUP has done a wonderful job of making Theosophical Classics available on-line.

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