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Re:Never post street addresses

Nov 02, 1997 07:05 PM
by Brant Jackson

Dear Mr. Ramados:

 In response to objections to your posting my home address on this forum,
you raise the defense of "anyone with similar knoweldge could have done it!"
 What an inappropriate and troubling reply for a Theosophist, or any person
who espouses to higher ideals, to make! You may be correct in a legalistic
sense, but did you notice that your reply did not offer an appology or
acknowledge error? Why was that? Was I, as a newcomer, somehow outside the
protection of normal ethical considerations?
 In a higher sense, is a cold legalism more important than considerations
of whether your action was ethical or loving or done in the spirit of fair
Theosophical debate? Isn't one of the primary esoteric injunctions summed
up in the words "First, do no harm! You were certainly aware of the
possible consequences of this action upon my personal life and right to
privacy. Could it be that your over-investment of your emotional self in
this debate has led you to cross a line that you would not ordinarily cross?
 Just because it is possible doesn't make it right!

 Brant Jackson

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