Re:Re: Alleged "Squelching"
Oct 31, 1997 11:43 AM
by M K Ramadoss
K. Paul Johnson wrote:
> ... Had you been on theos-l you would have been aware of all the
> issues that caused quite a number of people to lose faith in
> Wheaton and Adyar, which had nothing to do with me and my
> writings.
Glad you mentioned theos-l discussions. For anyone interested in
the various issues relating to the administration of TSA, there
was a wealth of information none of which is available anywhere
else. I hope anyone open minded would take time to visit the
archives and see for themselves and make up their own mind --
independent thinking and decision making which is supposed to be
the hall mark of a thinking Theosophist.
> My experience with the TS--Adyar has been about 90% positive, and
> my "problem" is with the authoritarian way the top officials
> think and operate. Part of that is their tendency to try to
> control members' thinking and I am only one small beneficiary of
> that large problem.
> Since you are being so free with such personal criticism it would
> be nice to know who you are.
One thought occurs to me. Was the writer of the msg from
Atlanta, in any shape or form, either directly or indirectly,
suggested or recommended or encouraged or provided info or ideas,
edited, scripted by *anyone* in the TSA Administration in Olcott
to write the response? If so, I would in the least be
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