Re:making masters visible
Oct 27, 1997 04:46 PM
by M K Ramadoss
At 01:21 PM 10/27/97 -0800, Brenda S. Tucker wrote:
> I have a plan by which we can also make the masters visible. It
> needs some developing, so don't hesitate to join in if you have
> some thoughts or ideas. We make and put into the atmosphere
> around us something I'll call "sacred fire." Then we call to the
> Ascended Masters either by name or collectively to become
> manifest through our bodies. We continue to make references to
> their coming through us, to them standing beside us, to them
> fulfilling the divine plan here, and many other ideas which I got
> from the "I AM" Temple. Keep up the practice and be patient. I
> think that this method is sure fire.
Please keep all of us informed of the progress.
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