U F O-s and Theosophy
Oct 22, 1997 10:13 PM
by Dallas TenBroeck
UFOs and Theosophy
Has anyone come across any direct or indirect rerferences in
Theosophical literature to UFOs? Or to some laws of nature hinted
at in Theosophical literature which might produce one or more of
those events which are recorded as the seeing or encountering
Apart from those observations which the armed forces or the
scientific community have explained -- weather baloons, contrails
at high elevations, cometoids or meteors -- there are said to be
a number of valid observations which are not explained away by
these authorities. Especially those where there are rapid
changes if direction or apparent intelligent reaction to attempts
at interception or contact.
Members of the armed forces, commercial pilots and responsible
attestations from land-based observers ought to be considered and
some attempt made to eexplain these knowing what we do about the
relative Theosophical laws -- edias? references?
Is there a reliable record of such unexplained sightings or
Thinking about what I am aware of Theosophically, I would wonder
if the events may include materializations of events that are
occuring on the astral plane, and for some reason they leave an
impress (general or individual) on our physical matter within the
observation of one or more individuals.
Could these be signtings of "elementals," or of "elemental
forces" brought down to the material plane and seen "in action?"
I recall many stories about "gremlins" being seen and heard (some
were mischievous and othes were helpful) during the last war, and
since then, as a possible example of this -- any confirmation
Cosmonauts have at several times recorded seeing lights and
bodies which moved in space around them for which no good reason
be given.
All suggestions would be welcome if they lead to reasonable
conclusions. I have read many books on UFOlogy but am looking
for something that would make such phenomena credible.
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