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Oct 05, 1997 01:35 PM
by Bhive888 (Bruce)

Phillip, you wrote:

> But how pray, can karma act on the physical level without
> employing physical means?

(I apologise but have missed the post to which you refer but
would like to join in) - there is of course the 'grace' of time
inbetween the cause and effect ...  and I have to wonder if this
in itself does not also affect the physical consequence when
finally resolved on that level?

> Generally, karma is not expected to act in a range of narrow
> specifics.  Thus if I die owing someone $10,000 karma will not
> charge me with $10,000 plus interest in some other life.

Interestingly enough I do not believe that money is transferable
or translatable in the higher worlds.  What I mean to say is that
no amount relates at all - only our actions.  (This principle
requires therefore that a wealthy man who did not physically work
for his existence, but only paid folk to care for his needs, will
become much of a servant in futher life-times to come.  This to
me seems fair if you think about it.  It also suggests that
bartering would be preferable to the abstract which is money.)

> Rather if I live without caring for others such conduct does,
> over time, have an effect on my subtle components (the
> Astral-lower mental etc.) and this by a mechanism well-known to
> theosophists, influences the constitution of the next bodies-
> physical and subtle.  Thus karma is merely another name for
> 'cause and effect' except that the operation is on many levels
> and independent of time and not just the physical and here and
> now.

I have missed your point here as to what the above has not said?

> never mind Chuck- it was amusing reading- we ought not to take
> ourselves or our beliefs too seriously!

As a fellow Australian I can relate to this comment a lot! We, as
theosophists in particular do seem to alleviate the stress of
such weighty seriousness, don't we?


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