Re:Re: Have We Fallen Low?
Jul 15, 1997 01:07 AM
by Dallas TenBroeck
Bart Lidofsky:
Why assume that the Masters were not awqre in 1880 in Simla of
the developments due in the MATERIAL side of our civilization,
which now, at this time enable us to have the proof then demanded
of them" to produce in simla of the day of issue of a current
copy of the London TIMES.
Explanations as to why this was not done are given later.
However, one may well wonder at the apparent reticense of the
masters, who know when there will be a general manifestaion of
the very thing which in one century or in a earlier decasde would
be extraordinary, and in this one perfectly ordinary, although it
would take a technological genius to explain and demonstraate how
it is commonly done.
Food for thought. Have not much to learn about our own selves
and our motives ?
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