Re:Re: Unity
Jul 05, 1997 06:08 AM
by M K Ramadoss
> chose to give out last century. To diminish those teachings is
> to diminish ourselves and our ability to participate in the
> Theosophical movement.
> For if we cannot even digest the preliminary teachings and
> required lifestyle changes, why would a great Teacher give us
> more?
A very logical and reasonable response.
This reminds me of a statement made by a philosopher - to
understand greatness, one has to be great himself/herself.
Have They not clearly stated that lifestyle changes are
*critical* - leave your world and come into ours (a quote from
memory) -- even though to the man/woman of the world the required
lifestyle may look *foolish* and *unwise*.
I think that without right lifestyle (which includes
psychological, which is as important as physical) we may not be
able to fully comprehend and understand the teachings no matter
how intellectual one is and academically learned and scholarly
one is. Just my thoughts.
...MK Ramadoss aka doss
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