Jul 01, 1997 11:58 AM
by Keith Price
I think we are talking about the same things over and over. Are
there core teachings we must accept to be theosophists or is the
Ancient Wisdom like golden stairs where one climbs higher and
higher to hear more clearly the Voice of the Silence from the
receiver of the Master's Voice within.
I think Ken Wilber (who many loathe) has done a lot of work on
the idea of holons as opposed to heirarchies. It is as if we are
say 2-dimensional beings we cannot accurately perceive a 3
dimensional object with our limited senses. This idea can be
extended to any number of dimensions. If we are in the fifth
race of the fourth round our perceptions are mainly filtered
through verbal analysis rather than direct sensory experience.
I think this is why such work with the Voice of the Silence may
be more important than worrying if we are five, six or seven fold
beings (a personal thought IMHO). You know that crazy harmonic
convergence thing, maybe if we aggreed to meditiate together at a
certain time throughout the world on the will of the Master's.
Something might happen!
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