Re:Announcement( my suggestion)
Jun 28, 1997 08:10 AM
by Judith Christie
as i was saying Rudy,
THE BLAVATKY NET links to all known organized Theosophical groups. You
may want to, (and this is something that I would personally do) just have one
visible link to the Blavatskyk Net.
Next, it is true your page resembles an official Theosophical Page.You do not
to publish the disclaimer John Algeo suggested...however again this is
what I would personal do...
say This is an independant page, by an independent Theosophist.
There is no reason to go to such lengths to release the TS from who
knows what? Stating that it is an independant page should be enough.
Otherwise the Theosophical Society in America might have to list a blanket
disclaimer regarding all private and independant Theosophical endeavors
including net pages. I personally feel such an action would destroy
the TSA and all Theosophical Organizations in the world.
The idea here is to remember duplication is a waste of time, energy and
It might be a good time for you to redesign your Web Pages to enhance the
work already being done by others. Another idea is design them to suit
yourself and the work that you are doing as which has always been my
'greatest claim to fame.' Ha Ha Ha. Try to immagine what HPB and her Adept
Teachers would
want you to do. Certainly, they would not want dupliation of already existing
efforts by TSA and any other group. you have any idea just how much Theosophy and Theosophical Material
is on line?
Another truly good idea would be for you to build a site for all independent
Theosophists and all independent to find a home; list them and bring them all
one location on the net.
Jusst a few ideas to take you into the 21st Century.
Now as for The Theosophical Societiy in America. This will be a lalapalooza!
You have a big job ahead of you as I far as I can see. It shouild be your
major activity to fulfill the dream of HPB and her teachers, Universal
Brotherhood, which is more then lip service.
Yes, it is my dream too to see all Theosophical Orgainzations under one
roof, canopy or dome. Maybe the impossible dream, eh! Well perhaps so.
However, do have an an opening on the interernet to do just this.
Why couldn't the TS America build a web site to house all Theosophical
Groups and all Thesophical information and Teachings? It could be designated
such. Here is the door to TS America. Here is the door to ULT. Here is the
door to .......each and everyone? Then within each door should be the
lobby with information regarding each your group, From the lobby the
searcher should then encounter the Hall of Learning. But the largest factor
in the success of such an effort will be the joining and the cooperation of
all groups. This could be named "The Globes of Theosophy or Global
or Universal Cyberspace." Oh yes, it would be difficult for al Theosophical
Groups would have the lay aside the personal principle to shoulder the
the universal principle. This could be done quickly and easily.
All of you are already on line, all you have to do is pull in together into
location. Theosophy and Theosophical Groups are scattered through the
entire internet. There is no unity in in representation and what is out
is seeds blowing in the wind with no place to grow.
This is an opportunity to be grasped right now.
Had this been done before you all went on line this situation with Rudy Don
would never have happened. Actually it is your fault that it did.
Bart I think that you went a bit far in your explanatons as to what the
danger to John Algeo might be. This entire situation has been given
too much attention. Do not empower the event any further by
John certainly knows better than this.
My biggest complaint is that I see far to much duplication of effort
on line already and very little unity amongst online Theosophical Groups.
As we move toward the 21st Century I would like to see a complete,
total 'unified respresntation of Theosophy.' It would seem this could
be a reality at least on line.
Finally, the independant groups of Theosophists have grown over the past 30
years. As you can all see they are not going away. It would seem that
TS needs to build a bridge of cooperation and address this segment of
Theosophical Groups instead of requesting disclaimers.
It can be done, the keyword is "Try".
These are my humble observations and suggestions.
Actually these are valid possibilties.
John Algeo, here is the opportunity that you had hoped for20 years ago!
If anyone can do this, you can. Unification!
Greetings of Divine Light and may that Divine Light blaze into
every nook and cranny in every Theosophical group and in
the minds of every Theosophist everywhere!
Time to bring all together in the Eternal Now.
Judith Christie, also known as Sage.
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