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Re: Theosophical Movement

Jun 23, 1996 03:31 PM
by Ann E Bermingham

> Today, we are living in very insidious times. The trend is to no
> longer view ethics as a standard connected to spiritual roots.
> When standards are established, they are more often than not
> based upon the expediency of the situation. I raise ethics here,
> because in spite of repeated objections from others on theos-l, I
> still believe that ethics are at the very heart of the TM and
> sounds the unchanging and undying keynote.

I haven't been able to get the word "insidious" out of my mind
since I read this post. Looking it up, I was wondering exactly
which definition you had in mind.

1. Working or spreading harmfully in a subtle or stealthy
manner: insidious rumors; an insidious disease.

2. Intended to entrap; treacherous: insidious misinformation.

3. Beguiling but harmful; alluring: insidious pleasures.

- Ann E. Bermingham

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